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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2024


  • And what exactly is there to stop the opposition from doing the same thing?

    Process. The same that that puts barriers on this discussion from AOC. The entire impeachment process is the understanding of the people who created this country, to have a political process that is departed from the legal process. That’s why being impeached doesn’t also mean criminally convicted and vice versa. Historically, if you were a vassal of the lord and had your fief removed, you couldn’t hold court with your lord AND you basically were penniless with the potential to end up in jail. The entire impeachment process is to separate those two things. That’s why the process is spelled out fully in the Constitution and the execution solely left to Congress to implement.

    There entire point of an impeachment is to execute some political justice without having legal justice married to it. What stops anyone from just abusing the process is the process itself and what it indicates for functioning government. If the goal is have no functioning government, then there isn’t anything that stops anyone from abuse. But no functioning government means that those in Congress would lose power, and a loss of power means they become less enticing for lobbyist to enact agendas, for people to seek recourse, and for States to enhance power within the vacuum.

    So an abuse of that power would end with them loosing more and more power. This is the same reason why Congress has had a hard time really pinning impeachment and contempt charges and have talked about inherent contempt for Garland (which inherent contempt is basically using Congress to enforce a contempt charge via the Sergeant-at-arms doing the arresting and Congress inventing a “trail” system all of their own outside of the Judicial system… which by the way SCOTUS way back in the 1930s, the last time this was used, indicated that THAT specific instance was not a violation of habeas corpus, but trying to ring Garland up on inherent contempt and trying to put him in Congress jail, would be such a complex process and likely wouldn’t survive a habeas corpus challenge, but who knows at this point? For all we know SCOTUS may be completely cool with Congress tossing people into Congress jail without a proper trail. But of course that brings with it ALL KINDS of ramifications about our Federal government jailing people in a a jail completely ran by Congress and outside the entire legal system, but I digress).

    Long story short, all of this stuff is political process. And you do all of this to further a political agenda to the public. But if the public isn’t backing that action, it has the ability to backfire in that entire you don’t get to come back to Congress or you weaken the overall power of the Federal government. So you have to look at the long term goal of anything you want to do with this process. Like the inherent contempt vote got delayed after the first Presidential debate. Biden’s performance was so bad that Republicans feel that they got what they wanted. The whole Garland audio tapes, the GOP wanted them so that they could play back the tapes to the public and show that Biden was losing his marbles. But now since the debate, there’s little reasons for the GOP to go down the tossing Garland into Congress jail and going down a path that’s likely to not play well for anyone except their most harden supporters.

    The process limits the process. That’s what prevent the whole “same thing”.

    Are we going to replace the court?

    I mean, yeah, that’s the goal. SCOTUS has had about a dozen cases that they’ve overturned decades long, and in some cases century long, established rule. One or two per lifetime of a justice is a lot to completely overturn. This court has overturned nearly a dozen long established rulings. The entire point of a justice system is to bring about stability to the political process. Congress answers to the public, and the public can change their mind often, so random laws flying over the place isn’t unusual. SCOTUS is not elected and thus they faintly answer to the public. So they need to have some stability to maintain legitimacy. Even Robert’s talked about this in the ruling that overturned Roe and felt the majority was going too far.

    So I think if the court itself is saying that it is ruining their own legitimacy, bringing them up into the political process to answer to these statements the court itself is making is fair game. And I don’t think that’s unfair to mention in that whole process. Judges don’t answer to the public, so justices that massively change the landscape in short orders of time, are shaking the stability they’re supposed to be building. If SCOTUS wants to rewrite the law of the land, it needs to be gradual not as fast as possible.

  • Go in reverse of so much that’s come before the court should be grounds for most of them coming under impeachment.

    Like that should kind of be a rule. If any court made up of at least 40% the prior overturns case law more than 50 years old absent a constitutional amendment or Federal law laying the foundation for such an overturn, should be brought before the Congress on impeachment inquiry.

    Like the whole way they’ve redefined the 2nd within the last ten years that overturned 200 years of prior understanding, that alone should have most of them barred from federal office for the rest of their lives. And how they redefined it without so much as a Federal law to point to or a hint of a Constitutional amendment suggesting the way they’ve made it now.

    A literal garbage court sits the bench. What’s worse is that one day the lean in the court will change and Republicans will cry about judges legislating from the bench.

  • Refusing a subpoena by Congress isn’t what Bannon is hoping for. If you believe that Congress is investigating is outside their scope, it’s too political to be a lawful investigation, you still have to answer the subpoena and then testify under oath your belief as such. This was something pointed out in Watkins.

    So the only way SCOTUS can overturn the conviction is finding some new ability to ignore a subpoena, which I’m not sure how they can justify a new power without it also coming off as SCOTUS removing Congressional power, a clear violation of the separation of power.

    You can walk into a hearing and literally sit there and not answer. You can indicate that they’re full of themselves. Your 5th Amendment right overrides government oversight in personal matters. They were seeking Bannon’s involvement in the Jan. 6 attack, he literally could have gotten up there, gave them the middle finger, indicated his fifth amendment right, and sat there with arms crossed the rest of the time. And he totally could have had SCOTUS get him off scotfree with a Watkins argument, the end.

    But if you DO NOT even fucking go, well you’ve just shot yourself in the foot. Because now, SCOTUS has to invent something to save your dumbass, and reasons to invent a new thing that could potentially backfire are based on how much it’s worth it to them to do such.

    Literally guy could have done all kinds of things to make this easier for him. Just not showing was quite possibly the dumbest way to do it.

  • Man, the edited video is just extending a few frames and letting it go on longer than the actual video. Yeah, Biden goes to sit down first, and is doing a little squat while the person is welcomed to the stage, but the video on Reddit’s Conservative subreddit is just cut right at the point he sits down and the last few frames are extended a bit.

    But you know I’m going to give them benefit of the doubt (I know, I’m going to hear it from you all). They saw something on Xitter, ran with it before fact checking, and now they have egg on face. Happens to the best of us sometimes. But in the age of AI, all of us are going to need to be on our toes about things. This is just a simple edit on a video clip, AI going to allow us to straight up do all kinds of crazy shit.

    We’re all in this together and there’s a ton of NOT AMERICANS that want us at each other’s throat. We are either going to help each other get through AI or we’re all going to be falling for made up shit.

  • I mean this comes from the House led by GOP who have spent so much time in committee that they have past:

    checks notes

    64 laws, most related to renaming post offices.

    As a comparison, the 117th Congress (the last one) which was led by Democrats passed 463 laws including the CHIPS law, the Inflation Reduction law, the Infrastructure bill…

    In fact, the 118th is on track to be the least productive Congress in modern history. And it’s not just because of all of the inquires that have gone nowhere the GOP have lead, though that has eaten about 60% of their time on the Hill. The GOP has dealt with massive infighting that prevents even themselves from getting things done.

    “too little too late”

    Man they could have centuries of time on their hands and wouldn’t even do basic things like pass a budget. The GOP has demonstrated quite well that they don’t have the ability to enact their platform. And mostly because they’re too damn busy posing in front of cameras and trying to score sound bites. Like just the other day Comer was talking about how he’d like to arrest Fauci and the thing is, Comer has a degree in Agriculture and mostly majored in those aspects. He doesn’t even have the functional knowledge to actually indict anyone, much less the ability to maintain the massive amount of litigation.

    Like he can say that, but the odds of any kind of successful indictment is slim to none. I mean for fucks sake, he sits on the Oversight Committee ex officio, shit he likely doesn’t even know what that means.

    A large part of the modern GOP are people who are horrible at their job and have very little understanding of how Government works. MTG just a few weeks ago was talking about some sort of “law” and what it really was, was a regulatory hearing on review of rule making. Not even new rules or regulatory processes, just the usual self audit. Lady doesn’t know the different between slip, law, bill, and rule. But she’ll be the first one to open her mouth about who is and is not a doctor.

    A lot of them are very poorly educated in how anything works. And they objectively demonstrate that lack of knowledge on a fairly regular basis. And they’re pretty unabashed about it too.

    So yeah, that “too little too late” that’s some rich bull. You know my Grandfather used to say: “If you are ever worried about professional politicians, just you wait till the amateurs get here.” He made that in reference to a Governor of Tennessee Ray Blanton, but fuck if it doesn’t apply here.