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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • There are archaeological finds of buildings from more than 9000 years ago (oldest in the region).

    There’s a church that was finished sometime during the 1200s and is preserved in its original form in the municipality, but technically it’s not within town limits.

    The main church was also initially built around that time but was rebuilt in the late 1700s - nothing of the original remains.

    The cellar of a royal farm still remains, which was built in 1552, though it’s more a ruin than a building.

    A castle/royal manor was built in 1652, and although it has been renovated and expanded in the early 1700s, parts of the structure are still from the original.

    So, I suppose it depends on what you’re looking for.

  • Right, but isn’t making a judgment call on feminism in general, based on a single anecdotal experience a bit dramatic?

    The anecdotal experiences with her (it’s not often I have the luxury of a candid discussion with the type of person who says these things) made me view all the other cases of feminists generalizing about men in another light, and all the cases where someone pointing this out would be told that “No, actually you are the problem because…”.

    I don’t think that anyone who actually studies feminism holds real ill will to all men, it’s just not cohesive with the ideas of mutual support feminism was founded upon.

    Define “real ill will”. Does it actually matter what they want if they are doing real harm? Misandry has become increasingly more common in the past decade, both online and irl, and in my experience, speaking up against it paints a huge target on your back.

    I just think they’re unwittingly amplifying a conservative campaign…

    This right here is part of the problem.

    I’m trying to discuss a serious issue that is harming men, and after three paragraphs of downplaying it as not being a problem, you turn it around and write that the real problem is me bringing it up. That’s fucked up.

  • Right, but isn’t it a bit far fetched to be taken literally? That there are a significant amount of women who hate every man in their life?

    It’s enough for me to know that the one who brought that rhetoric into a portion of my friend group, an acquaintance of mine (I won’t call her a friend) actually does mean it, or at least says she does.

    The fact that she got one of the kindest people I ever met to parrot that same misandrist rhetoric hurts.

    It shifted me away from self-indentifying as feminist. Nowadays, I say I’m pro-gender-equality, and embrace the values of classic feminism if someone asks.

  • Personally, as an agnostic (leaning atheist) I don’t have any particular dogma regarding other religions to follow. I will however share how I view religions.

    • I’ve yet to encounter a religion that is verifiably true. As such I consider the religions of other people to essentially be opinions (personal beliefs).

    • Opinions should not be held sacred in society, nor should they grant special rights.

    • The religions of others only really become a problem if they make demands based on said religious belief, attempt to impose their beliefs on others, or spread verifiably false information.

  • No, “most people” do not consider that to be what socialism is. Particularly those of us who live in countries with the aforementioned policies. Here we’ve had real socialists who wanted to take away our fundamental individual rights, amongst them the right to ownership, which frankly is a scary idea.

    A lot of our regulations and limits on the free market don’t have a socialist bent at all, but are intended to defend our individual liberties against large corporations, which if left unchecked can become corporate institutions, something the US has fallen victim to.

    I’d consider these policies as important, if not moreso than our social welfare systems. The social mobility and safety provided by these are meaningless if an arbitrary decision by google, amazon or some bank can singlehandedly ruin your life.