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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023

  • “After Hitler Trump, our turn.”

    I mean historically we can see how well the people rise up to stop the national Fascist party.

    People like money and feeling comfortable and it doesn’t matter how many necks must be stepped on for most.

    We over assume that the empathetic humans are the ones that make up the majority. We are right they are mostly non violent but people are easy to turn a blind eye.

    So yeah, can’t expect that so what can we do? I’m at bake cakes and see if I ever get a chance to kill a Nazi and be put to the firing squad.

  • Yeah. Just another little step.

    The question is: Is there a legitimate other option?

    No fantasy perfect scenario world, or all people being made to be better and more caring. As is, can we come up with a solution, a driving force, even a solid nudge to alter course and direction, so that this impact doesn’t slam into us no matter what, accepting that the inertia is already behind it.

    I say this fully knowing that Biden does little other than to appease the upper class corporate interests that be and keep everything feeling on track so that it feels like someone else’s problem to anyone above it.

    But fuck me, I can’t think of an out that doesn’t involve fantastical imagination at this point.

  • The more I learn about this timeline, the darker our future becomes.

    Oh man that’s a statement that just barely scratches the surface.

    As someone that has bounced around from politics, to advanced earth sciences, to the arts and now just keeps learning new things because I can’t help it… Yeah, things aren’t looking so good.

    Humans will prevail and all that but we are slamming head first into a wall of spikes that is going to be and already is starting to be a giant crushing destructionary force for all of what we think of as normal.

    Everyone hates the people calling for change when they feel comfortable where it is but if you are calling for change to go backwards to when you felt even more comfortable somehow that always wins, and we go barreling towards fascism from it.

    Come senators, congressmen, please heed the call
    Don’t stand in the doorway, don’t block up the hall
    For he that gets hurt will be he who has stalled
    The battle outside ragin’
    Will soon shake your windows and rattle your walls
    For the times, they are a-changin’

  • Sure but also general trolls that are just trying to get an emotional rise just piss in wind thinking they aren’t getting bait. It’s that concept of not feeding the trolls.

    Also comments are reddits bread and butter so processing a few extra aren’t really impacting them and they are small to begin with. There is also the added bonus of it looks good on metrics for interactions.

    I think assuming every troll has a bot army is greatly overestimating them, people are more underwhelming than even they like to admit. And seems like it could help with minor deviants but also I wonder if that would make them act up more and turn to more offensive ways of baiting an audience, but then you ban them.
    Sort of like boiling a group down on purpose. A bit awful as you help nurture the problems to be more easy to remove.

  • On Reddit you will be banned if you say something the mods don’t like and they take personally. And it can get you banned off the sire permanently too.

    Often commenting on one thread will ban you from other subreddits entirely by bot. Plus all the same garbage of not being able to say words that are considered naughty or no-no words from people who think it makes them superior are all over reddit.

    I once got banned from a “leftist” subreddit cause I pointed out that a post was right wing disinformation and the mod responded that they agreed with it so it couldn’t be propaganda and then spent like an hour yelling at me in my messages about how it was a starter leftist sub and that I didn’t belong if I wasn’t going to agree.

    But honestly the world is full of the dumbest little shits and everyone everywhere has a quirk and Lemmy is full of people full of themselves and thinking their shit don’t stink. That and moderately well off liberals that can’t handle being told they are wrong because they “are well educated and know how things work”.

    I do think it’s insane how quick people are to block and how even more empty it makes the fediverse, interesting that you are dealing with people that also have the ability to delete your replies though as that’s not really a thing on Lemmy so maybe a mastodon thing?
    乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ

  • They are using a way that should have already been done since those were the rules we agreed to but haven’t followed for the last couple decades.

    These are basically fake loans that should be a sign of a terrifying bubble about to burst except somebody made it impossible to ever get your schooling loans removed no matter how much you got scammed or should have it paid down by now.

    It’s almost like fixing a whoopsie of loophole that let even more people get fucked over against the agreed on societal backstops in the search for more money except it’s still not even fixed.

  • Reread your comment and think about how excited you are to point out that they said a word you don’t like. It’s one thing to actually fight against bigotry it’s another to try and police language others use as a way to feel a sense of control and superiority.

    The feeling that you are fighting against a just fight is giving you a dopamine hit the same way the Facebook algorithm is designed to get you to fight in the comments. It’s pointless and hurtful to your own sociability. You are just picking fights that make it less easy to have an actual conversation.

    I get it. But this ain’t it Whoreticulture.

  • I was using like language to point out the hypocrisy of claiming that your actions are good and wholesome because it’s obvious to everyone that yours is in good taste but others are not. No one knows that but you. You are operating on false logic.

    You are coming into an argument feeling superior which means none of your arguments can be taken in good faith. At all. I am simply pointing it out.

    And I used a slur that is commonly used and is part of several countries cultural language to refer to a cunt as a cunt.

    Your argument is poor and being language police is a pathetic attempt at pedantry to make you feel better. I don’t care and you will find others don’t either even if you build a bubble around yourself of people who do.

    Edit: also to call trust fund baby, former first lady Hillary Clinton a member of a marginalized group is hilarious and only true because of how few first ladies of the US are left.

  • He created and supported some of the most fucking atrocious bills to ever be fucking passed in recent history but he gets a pass for it now because… He hasn’t apologized but he’s older now? Like that’s it? People say he’s learned but has he? What signs is there for that?!

    This man started his career by ruining the life of his sister, and has been seeking power ever since, why is that a good man to save us from the horrors of Trump who is just a dumber version of Biden.

    Oh and you forgot big fan of mass incarceration.

    “Cadre of young people, tens of thousands of them, born out of wedlock, without parents, without supervision, without any structure, without any conscience developing because they literally … because they literally have not been socialized, they literally have not had an opportunity. And it’s a sad commentary on society. We have no choice but to take them out of society.”

  • I mean I do absolutely think there are more destructive people of course but like… There should be a special place in hell for people that start the countdown on a bomb because they think the panic will get them into power faster.

    She pushed a force of destruction and chaos because the idea of it made her think she would have control to disarm it and be the hero and get an easy win. Chicken or the egg, do you blame the bomb or the person who helped deliver and see it off. Granted Trump already wanted revenger for Obama existing and Reagan is a piece of shit so they are definitely both worse people overall but still Hillary doesn’t have clean hands in all this. Just a modern traitor.