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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • Who is using it as excuse for the current genocide?

    You did, when you said “Genocide is a US problem not specific to any president.”

    When comparing 2 candidates, genocide doesn’t matter because they will both do it

    This “lesser of two evils” logic only holds up when deciding who to vote for. The Biden administration does not get to aid a genocide criticism-free just because Trump would be worse.

    Once a president is in office then you can protest decision

    A president is in office now, aiding a genocide now, so I’m protesting now. If the US is still supporting genocide after the election I will protest then, too.

    i’m not a trumper but biden is commiting genocide" is just pedantic and missing the point

    I saw a shocking amount of upvoted genocide denial in the comments, so I felt the need to respond, even if its unpopular.

  • And that’s exactly the benefit of having your aides leak answers instead of answering questions directly.

    The Biden team leaks “one term president” to quell the narrative about his age. This creates a news cycle so that a slice of the electorate, people like commenter Bipta, are led to believe it’s a promise.

    But theres a tiny amount of plausible deniability so that people like you can come in after the fact and mischaracterize it as “an unknown advisor” (the story quotes 4 high level advisors, which is a very high bar for these types of leaks) and then dismiss the story as if it was just a rumor.

  • If Biden changes course and ends the genocide, he will not lose the Jewish people, he will only lose the Zionist people. These Zionists are a small sliver of the American electorate.

    Of course a change in position would have to be accompanied by a change in propaganda. The onesided pro-Israel rhetoric spewed by him and his press team would have to change to a humanist, anti-war stance. They could start by highlighting some of the atrocities committed by Israel instead of downplaying them. MSNBC and local news would quickly follow suit and pick up the party line. People should be talking about a mass grave with 400 bodies instead of a broken window at Columbia.

    Obviously there would be a loud backlash from prominent Zionists, but again in the big scheme of the electorate they matter very little. The current Biden strategy of forfeiting the young, the anti-war, and the Islamic demographics would be significantly worse.

    You can call this idea farfetched, but thats only because Biden is so entrenched in his position. I believe it’s the best option to save the Biden presidency and avoid a Trump second term.