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Cake day: July 31st, 2023

  • RIP. I remember some of his papers were required reading for two key seminars I took in undergrad and grad school. Both carried the same title at the time: “The Anthropology of Women.” An amazing writer and scholar. I’ll never forget the scholarly work I read in my undergrad class authored by him and Anita Hill herself. Groundbreaking stuff, not only for what was considered at the time a “niche topic” as people online say these days, but groundbreaking stuff when it comes to basic human rights nobody seems to think about anymore. I might add, in memory of this great scholar, that the term “niche topic” be stripped from everyone’s vocabulary. Your “niche topic” today might be a sign of your narrow-mindedness in history tomorrow.

  • You like it. It has nothing to do with your autism. I mean, I have a thing for pickling, and it’s really specific. I like to make hot pickled veggies. I have a huge jar, and it’s for one thing: my hot pickled veggies. I have patience for that endeavor, because when I make them, I make them, in the fridge. When they’re pickled, I use them on everything. It goes with my thing for vinegar. When it comes to fermented things, I prefer to buy them already fermented, mostly because I don’t trust myself to ferment at home. I think it is fantastic that you have that kind of attention to detail that fermenting has at home. I’m willing to bet your fermented stuff is amazing. I love fermented ketchup, for example, and I buy it already made and cherish it. I would love to make it on my own, but I don’t feel confident about doing it. It’s what I’d call my limit in the kitchen. You could probably convince me it’s not so bad. The closest I’ve gotten to fermentation and successful is friendship bread starter and sourdough bread starter. I can handle that, because it’s something you put in the fridge. Do you see what I mean? I’m all about food safety and all that, so I’m cautious. I ought to be more brave like you and just go all out on fermenting things at home, because I think I’d evolve.

  • I really don’t see the difference. Instant access versus delayed access… sounds like a Freud book I read about once about the pleasure principle. It’s all silly. The timing has nothing to do with anything. As a matter of fact, you’ve just argued yourself out of your own argument and made my point all over again. You can see it tomorrow, you can have it today. You can delay your pleasure. You can choose not to delay your pleasure. You can delay your pleasure because that’s what pleasures you.

  • MSG is really important in my cooking, too. It really adds a nice flavor to any vegetable dish. I use it for so many things, even when a recipe doesn’t call for it and especially for when a recipe doesn’t call for it. I always laugh at myself when I use MSG to season my spaghetti sauce because tomatoes have some MSG in them already. But they need more MSG, you know? They need so much more that on top of the MSG I also use Worcestershire sauce.

  • Vinegar. Adding vinegar to things can brighten them up or, depending on quantity, give something a sour flavor that is needed sometimes. I experiment with all kinds of vinegar. I even use the brine from my jar of spicy pickled vegetables in my cooking or to make a salad dressing. I also like to swap it with lemon juice to see what happens. For example, I have learned that I prefer lemon juice rather than vinegar in my alioli mayonnaise I make (probably not original, but I figured it out on my own). Going in the other direction, I prefer vinegar over lemon juice for making tartar sauce. I think my vinegar discovery started when I was a little kid. In my home town, famous for its fishing, lobster trapping, and clamming, you’ll find malt vinegar on the table at any restaurant. We use it on french fries and fried fish as a condiment. When I was a small child, I dipped my french fries in ketchup, splashed them with malt vinegar, and squeezed lemon juice on them. So, I think french fries are pretty much the vehicle to my discovery of ingredients. In turn, I have a tendency of turning condiments into ingredients I think I will dip french fries in just about anything on hand, at least once or twice.

  • I don’t know about that. You can’t really say what the future holds unless you have a magical crystal ball or something. I take that type of answer as legitimately confused on the part of the respondent. I didn’t exactly say it was a good thing, just that there is hope. They could eventually wind up one way or the other. Time will only tell. I like to be optimistic and hopeful. It keeps me alive.

  • This is very sad. I was in high school in the 1990s and I was hugely big mouthed left-wing boy with friends who were hugely big mouthed left-wing boys and girls. This in a small town. My graduating class was 100 or so. “most high school seniors claim no political identity” looks promising. They are looking at the landscape and saying “this makes no sense, I’m not signing up for any of this crap.” So, you know, perhaps a silver lining?