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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • You should try stomping around the room and yelling at the screen.


    Polls are shit. Only one poll counts.

    If Clinton had paid attention to them, trump might not have won.

    Even the article you posted has a self-inserted bias.

    With what part do you disagree? They post all the methodology and results. Or are you just “this person works in polling so I can’t trust them despite them laying out everything for me to see!”

    You haven’t presented a logical thought just “I DISLIKE POLLS” which is pretty silly.

    You may not like what the polls say but that doesn’t mean they aren’t valid kiddo. As you grow up, you’ll realize that lots of things that are unpleasant are still true no matter how much we wish otherwise. Throwing a tantrum doesn’t change the validity of polling.

  • For all I care, they’re being manipulated by Russia, China, North Korea and Iran.

    This is the silliest MAGA style conspiracy nonsense…

    You not understanding polling doesn’t mean they are disinformation, that’s a ridiculous thing to say. Or, maybe just like now, you dismissed information that you disliked and as such had another misinformed understanding of things.

    Polling aggregators like 538 said that trump had a 1/3 chance of winning and the thing about 1/3 chances is that they happen about 1/3 times!

    And then trump damn near won 2020 and lost by under 12,000 votes in one state. You can’t get much closer than that!

    What a goof.

  • From most polls I’ve seen, the US public still generally backs Israel. Crucially, the voting public who, unlike our loud and demonstrative progressive wing, actually shows up to vote, tend to support Israel.

    And we had options to help, it just required us to vote in the primaries (2016, 2020) despite not being a tik tok trend or whatever. Sanders wanted to cut military spending but the online and very vocal progressive wing didn’t show up and vote for him.

    It’s sort of like not staying fit, eating poorly and not sleeping well and then wondering why you got hurt when you tried to play a sport with your healthier friends. These things take work/showing up well before they become a critical issue.

  • Except, Dresden had a population of 600,000 and lost ~ 25000 people and many folks lived there throughout and after the war. Just like Palestinians will. And of course, if you read the news you’d know that Israel aims to have the bulk of their boots on the ground phase before the summer.

    Biden but may have voted in this primary could absolutely help him by not voting for a third party candidate.

    This is just silly. You might as well say Biden is actually helping Palestinians by not having the American military bomb Gaza.

    I think at this point, you know how nonsensical your position is, you just don’t have the maturity to admit it. At least, I hope that’s what’s up. Because these are truly childish arguments and if this nonsense is what we on the left have to offer then we deserve to lose elections.