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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2023


  • polling shows most republican voters are *not* in favor of extreme abortion restrictions. They want abortion up to a certain point and for certain reasons.

    So those polled voters indicate what they want in a poll.

    But when they’re told the other side is murdering full-norn babies, they go for what seems to them like the lesser evil.

    Yet those same voters elect (choose) the politicians (their representatives who speak for them) who want something different.

    Again I ask why a distinction should be made, in regards to voters and politicians, when discussing party. Seems to me like both groups, voters and politicians, say one thing and do another.

    As Maya Angelou once said, “When someone tells you who they are, believe them.”

  • I’m there with you.

    We have a camera on the driveway and the front walk. We have a sign at the start of the front walk that, in compliance with state/federal law requirements, says no politics (among others). Anybody who makes it to the door gets yelled at for not reading the sign and asked for their permit from the city to go door to door.

    We really don’t like people, outside of expected visitors/deliveries, coming to our door. Our dogs lose their minds barking and then are on high alert for a while going off at every little noise.

    Political texts, regardless of party or content, get an automatic delete and mark junk. Same with emails.

    Mailers don’t make it into the house and go right into the recycling.

    We don’t vote based on the best marketing campaign.

  • I totally agree and understand the use case. That plays into that more in depth type of self hosting most here do. All I have is storage via Synology, and Pi-hole, smart home controls and a media server in separate containers.

    My use case is strictly QoL improvements that my wife would either just live without or switch to a more conventional, easy to use setup for her.

  • $208,063.88

    This would pay off our mortgage and we could dump that monthly payment into saving for retirement.

    However, if the question was how much do we need then it would be $0. We are far more fortunate than many.

    If there was a line of all the people in this comment section waiting to get whatever amount they need I’d be one of those continuously moving to the back to let others go first.

    I hope you all find improved quality of life, even if it’s not through some financial windfall!

  • I don’t self host to the extent many here seem too but I have had the same thought and joked with my wife about it.

    Ultimately everything I’ve setup I’ve done in part because it’s my hobby and it interests me. When I’m gone my family will revert to whatever they’d normally be doing without me, because they don’t have interest in it like I do.