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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos)

    Definition wise, it‘s clearly social media. I get it though, the corporate giants feel more rage bait-y due to the algorithms they employ.

  • Despite his new eyes, man was still rooted in matter, his soul spun into it and subordinated to its blind laws. And yet he could see matter as a stranger, compare himself to all phenomena, see through and locate his vital processes. He comes to nature as an unbidden guest, in vain extending his arms to beg conciliation with his maker: Nature answers no more, it performed a miracle with man, but later did not know him.

    To sum up how I understand this poetic piece of text (The Last Messiah from a Norwegian philosopher Zapffe). It‘s a feature of consciousness, that we can even perceive ourselves as apart from nature. Considering our subjugation of it in various ways and currently underway destruction of the climate, it makes sense to me too to differentiate.

  • Not sure if that is what you mean here, but when I was in University I started taking speed to try and keep up with studying despite my ADHD/depression.

    And not just a bit either, but quite a lot and I must have overdone it and stayed up too many nights in a row once. I remember trying to go through my day, while I constantly spotted what could only be described as “shadow people”, whenever I tried to directly look at them they would be gone, but then I‘d see it again just near the edges of my field of view. It was one very creepy day and what led to me finally admitting I can‘t do it anymore.

    So I ended up dropping out, found a job in IT and got therapy and some more reasonable ADHD meds too. Still, I imagine that is what being schizophrenic might be like and I did not enjoy that at all.

  • I read a lot of philosophy until I had an existential crisis, which ironically made me feel worse at first and then better later on, because I realised basically “nothing really matters” and the majority of things that stressed me out are so small. Sure, some stuff has negative consequences for me and messes with my emotions, but even that passes with time and much of it is simply in my head (I got a nice cocktail of ADHD with depression and anxiety and get stuck in feelings of dread and doom).

    Well, I also go to therapy, and there I learned to focus on myself and what I need and like, with the goal to either distract myself or enjoy small pleasures. Like I walk to a quiet place somewhere when noise stresses me out or listen to music, I make myself a nice meal or some tea (iced tea in summer) or take a cool shower or sit down to draw something or write comments or talk to a person I like, all those small things that make me feel a bit like “I can live one day longer”.

    Basically, instead of looking at the world and the things you can‘t change of affect like your past, look only at yourself in the here and now and ask “how could I make this a bit more bearable for myself?” and then I do that. Though there is some limit there like don‘t do drugs (which I DID do, it gave relief, but made me feel much worse over time! just a warning), but even outside of that there is usually something you can do.

    Many desires are also artificially induced by marketing and peer pressure and the more I understood that, the less I felt like I had to do x or y or whatever everyone else is doing to be happy. That includes my comment and those of all others by the way, one or more points may resonate with you and help and others may be completely useless to you, what matters most here is finding what works for you and doing more of that. If you try some of this and have a moment where your mind calms down and you feel alright, take note of that and do that again.

    Though I‘m not entirely well, this stuff comes back sometimes, but I got a bunch of ways to deal with it now which help me out.

  • If she actually gets convicted of that, it might be another one of these events that seems insignificant on it‘s own, but could have repercussions in hindsight.

    Similar to those two self-immolations in the US due to climate change, the loss of these people stuck with me and we‘re not even in the same continent. I can‘t imagine how the relatives and friends feel.

    There is a lot of climate anxiety and fear around, and these sorts of repressive actions, or even the inactions following desperate moves, serve to strengthen these feelings.

    Wish the best for this woman, some people say or think things like “old people (boomers) don’t care” etc. and I admit I did too, but she proved it wrong, the climate concerns everyone.

  • Not like they get money from that, they do get money from donations, but I don‘t think just using an open source product is support.

    I use like hundreds of open source things and idk the ideology of any of the devs and I don‘t care, they could turn out to be serial killers, I don‘t see my use of their product as an issue. Monetary support is the difference to me.

    Maybe I got some messed up morals though, wouldn’t be the first time.