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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I kind of wish this would just…happen faster. Obviously, it would be bad. But I’m hoping if enough people had a cold water shock of inflation that hit hard and fast, maybe people would be more likely to protest and push for political change that would help the average person.

    It’s all likely more complicated than that. It would be nice to see positive change in my lifetime though. It makes me laugh when the economy can be simultaneously “good” but the general population is spending less. Obviously someone is doing well out there. It’s just not us

  • If I may chime in, I believe you’re both correct in your own ways. Russia is being controlled through very “in your face” propaganda. America also, in many ways, is very controlling and also gets away with its fair share of atrocious behavior.

    In my opinion, it’s a spectrum or a big circle. Instead of being “left or right”, they both circle around to their own variation of authoritarianism.

    (although I would say the USA is slightly better off, for the time being, at least. I don’t think they’re quite as bad, but some aspects are indeed just as bad. But I have not visited Russia, so my perspective is skewed based purely on what I read about it.)

  • Man, it’s been wild seeing fascism growing over the past decade. I mean, it was always around, but it’s really gotten worse. The trouble is I have no idea how you would even begin to resolve the issue.

    Like you have people wanting to kill American liberals (which is hilarious because politically the American democrats are not even close to being leftist or the big boogieman, “communist”).

    It really seems like you have a very large group of uneducated and violent people who think Trump will allow them to fulfill their fantasies of control over others. The pain in the ass is that their ideology is spreading globally.

  • So this is something I’ve recently realized that I’ve been experiencing. I still vote in my countries elections and stuff. But I’ve realized I’m starting to get fatalistic ideas. I feel like, in a sense, I’m losing hope for a better future. In my own personal life I can’t seem to get ahead financially.

    I used to wonder why some people would just completely throw in the towel when it came to politics and I’m starting to maybe understand how they could get there. It scares me for my own well being as i feel like im maybe giving up on the idea of finding a better job/having better footing in my life. But yeah I’m at a loss at the moment.

    I hope that things get better for everyone sooner rather than later

  • I wish we could have a system that didn’t exploit people. It seems that unless you’re at the top of the capitalist hierarchy, you and those around you are getting the short stick. There’s no ethical consumption under capitalism

    Then throw a roll of the dice for where you are born, and your outcomes vary greatly. It’s frustrating that it is so unfair for so many people.

    I sometimes think that I’m struggling, but then I hear about all these unfortunate souls trapped in an absolutely terrible situation, and it simultaneously makes me grateful but frustrated. I don’t understand how some people can treat others with so little regard.