Only if by “generally center-right” you mean solely in comparison to European concepts of right/left. Most of the world is still vaguely authoritarian and right leaning.
Only if by “generally center-right” you mean solely in comparison to European concepts of right/left. Most of the world is still vaguely authoritarian and right leaning.
That is true for any racist not just Trump supporters.
To be fair Hampton had to be stopped. If permitted to continue AIDS and crack wouldn’t have hurt nearly as many nor could the state ensure a new wave of prison “workers” every few weeks. /s
that’s because we teach kids that racism is really bad and onlt bad people are racists. These people cannot be bad people therefore they aren’t racist.
The issue is if you are raised in a racist society, as most are, you will internalize and express racist views from time to time. You are only a bad person if you don’t try to reduce or stop expressing these views.
No, it’s about restoring the history of White America to White supremacist Americans. They aren’t thinking of indigenous people at all.
He should have been removed week one.
Do you think those laws matter? You aren’t living in the democratic republic you were living in six months ago.
The hiring of family members to jobs that pay 100k+ that they are unqualified for is a great place to start.
Where was this a decade ago?
Too bad they voted for him before realizing they made a stupid choice. Now I hope Gen X figures that out.
We should prevent older men from getting testosterone as that is incredibly unnatural.
There’s a significant difference as most fascists do not engage in attempts to eliminate parts of humanity in order to facilitate the creation of a master race. Not all fascists are that level of crazy.
It’s more how if you point out Trump’s actions are more in line with Orban and Mussolini rather than the Nazis you get called a Nazi sympathizer rather than just being better informed on fascist philosophy/beliefs/delusions.
My point is how leftists will spend a lot of time differentiating between the various types of leftism but seemingly don’t get that all fascists are not Nazis.
Yet god forbid you recognize that fascism cones in different flavors than Nazism. Mussolini was not a nazi nor was Peron yet both were fascists
DEI is popular in finance. If a bank is engaging in polices to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion it is because it makes them more money than not following these programs.
That’s sexist! They also think SOME jobs can be done by women but only if they are cis-women
The catch is finding a goid conservative English language source is very difficult. A Financial Times sub runs $300usd a year almost for the more news and opinion focused online version (lacks the in depth business stuff that runs 7-800/yr.
And that’s fair. I did
That is an incredibly euro-centric POV. Your notion of where the center lies is relative.