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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Well, I blame the guy that taught me about it. He used to take a bunch and go to school like that. We kinda made fun of him for taking the stuff all the time.

    So, one night he asks if I want to spend the night, and I say sure. My curiosity got the better of me and I told him I’d like to try it. I said that it was my first time and what’s a good beginner dose. He said 32. I said that sounded like a lot. He said 32. I said ok and took it.

    At that point I had done acid several times. One time I did five hits of acid and snorted 3 fat lines (not bumps) of ketamine. I thought I had experienced wild. Up to that point I hadn’t experienced anything.

    The next morning that asshole had the audacity to ask me if I was going to church with he and his family. Man, fuck that dude!

  • I’ve taken my fair share of DXM. The last time I did it I was hanging out with this guy. We were looking for roll or acid or both. I told him that I could make him the most fucked up he’s ever been and it’s over the counter. He called me a liar and told me to prove it.

    We get back to my house and each eat 32 pills. That was 2 boxes of medicine. About three hours later. This full grown man approached me with the face of a child that had just witnessed all the horrors of WWI, and said Muhammad I’ve never been this fucked up before.

    I said “I told you so. I then told him that the last time I did this I swore I’d never do it again, but I had made a special concession just for him.

    We laid in my side yard in complete silence for what felt like an eternity. Staring at the stars. Only to look at a watch and realize that only 20 mins had passed.

    It took 2 days to get back to normal. He didn’t hang out with me very much after that. Also, those pills had a sugar coating. The same coating name brand advil have. To this day my body won’t let me swallow anything with that sugar coating on it. I tried to take some Advil, and gagged so hard I shot the pill into my sinuses.

    I know that doesn’t answer your question, but I wanted to share.

  • Sir/madam, you just touched on one of the most important rules for living a happy life. I like to call it “See something? No you didn’t.”

    I grew up and primarily have lived in the south, and my dad and I would go out in the woods when I was a kid. From my very first trip he told me “Son, while we’re out in them woods. If you see someone else out there, just turn around and go back the other way. Don’t say nothin, don’t wave, just go the other way.”

    To this day I live by that. My partner “it sounds like the neighbors are building something out of wood at 2am.” Me “not my problem”. Partner “I think I heard gunshots.” Me “wake me up when you hear screaming.”

  • So, I have very limited experience with 2 of them. One was Banditos. I was the bouncer at a dive bar on the weekends as a second job. This was 20 years ago. Banditos started hanging out there, and honestly they were pretty cool. They were loud, and drank a lot, but they never caused me any problems, and helped me solve a couple of problems in my time there. Some of them were local FOP which seems a little gross, but they never bothered me.

    The other was black pistons I think? I don’t remember. My friends dad was in it, and she and I got to hang out at their clubhouse some. That was almost exactly like you would think it was.

    I only hung out there like 2 or 3 times with her. It was a shitty looking trap house in the hood. There was Nazi memorabilia all over the place. There was a bar in the middle of the living room. Middle aged white dudes drunk and geeked on meth. Lots of guns.

    One night one of the dudes showed up with a black crackhead prostitute from the neighborhood. I know she was from the neighborhood because she said she had been there a few times before, and I heard them talking about “seeing her around”. Anyway, she was running around naked half the night doing Hitler salutes with those chuckle-fucks. Drinking whiskey, and smoking, probably meth. The whole situation was incredibly off putting.