• 17 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • The speed of change isn’t the problem. A functional court system can strike down these executive orders as fast as Trump can sign them. It’s not like he blinks and the world just changes around him.

    The problem twofold:

    One is that our founding fathers didn’t properly balance the three branches of government. WIthout giving the Supreme Court a method of enforcement, they always have been little more than an advisory panel. It’s only held up for 200 years because the Supreme Court gave themselves at least some of the power the founding fathers should have given in the first place and a gentleman’s agreement not to rock the boat which somehow managed to hold for 200 years.

    The second is that our founding fathers really didn’t give any guidance about what to do if even one of the three branches of government goes rogue, let alone all three. They gave absolutely no guidance about what to do when that gentleman’s agreement doesn’t hold up. They gave absolutely no answer to the question of “I’ll do what I want, what are you going to do about it?”

    And here we are, being led by a man who is literally pissing on the Constitution and asking what anyone’s going to do about it, and the answer he’s getting is a whole lot of “Nothing.”

  • What happens when the judge sends a marshal?

    Nothing. Nothing will happen. Judges will send out an endless series of court orders essentially saying “Pretty Please”, but in the end, they will be able to do nothing beyond using a stern “disappointed parent” tone, asking politely, and just hoping Trump decides to comply. Because that’s all the power they have. And that’s not sarcasm. The Judicial branch has no power of enforcement.

    From there, 99% of judges won’t do anything knowing that any attempt to take enforcement action on the President will immediately be struck down by the courts as the Supreme Court has already ruled that Trump is immune from prosecution, rendering any attempt at judicial enforcement an exercise in futility.

    But let’s say a judge is willing to try. First, he’d have to find marshals actually willing to cooperate and face retaliation from Trump, his base, etc… Then what are the marshals expected to actually do? Walk up to the White House, knock on the door, and put Trump in handcuffs? They’d be lucky if they were able to set foot on the grounds before being told to fuck all the way off by the Secret Service. And that’s the GOOD outcome.

    And then the retaliation tour begins. Admittedly, he probably wouldn’t have them arrested as that would be a little too on the nose, even for Trump. But they would start a smear campaign. There would be demands for the judge’s removal from the bench, and those marshals would probably be spending the rest of their lives in fear of retaliation from Trump’s mob. Think of what happened to the Georgia poll workers. That, only amplified about 50 times over. Again, this is the GOOD outcome for them.

    Trump would then go on with business as usual as Fox News and Twitter write the whole thing off as an activist judge trying to make a name for himself at Trump’s expense as he says he should have just had the judge arrested for treason for openly defying Supreme Court orders declaring him immune, the irony and hypocrisy of his own statement notwithstanding.

  • Yeah, we get it. Courts are issuing orders. Trump is ignoring them.

    Now tell me what they’re planning on doing about it or shut the fuck up. And if the answer is “Nothing”, then you’ve effectively reduced our entire justice system to nothing more than an advisory panel for the President that can be ignored like any other crony when he doesn’t like their suggestion.

    We need an answer to this staredown. One of these judges needs to hold Trump in contempt of court and literally order his arrest. Let the case go up to the Supreme Court and let’s see if they actually are willing to all but cede their own power to Trump by saying he can ignore court rulings with impunity. And if not, let them say how they plan on forcing Trump to abide by their rulings, and if so how. Let’s see if authorities are going to back up the Supreme Court, or if they’re going to back up Trump and essentially hand the entire country over to him by saying they’re refusing to enforce Supreme Court decisions.

    And it’s not like it would take long either. Issue an order for his arrest for contempt of court today, and it’ll be in front of the Supreme Court by lunch. And they wouldn’t be able to table it for years either; they’d have no other choice but to weigh in one way or the other. Like that day. They’d have to. Every day they’d waffle on it would be a day that they’d be telling the country that the Supreme Court has no real power.

  • Ok, the last time he violated a judge’s orders, the charges were much more serious and he was facing potential jail time, both from the criminal trial he was a part of and the gag order imposed on him.

    He all-but told the judge to go fuck himself on a daily basis right outside the courtroom, violated the gag order ten fucking times, and received exactly no punishment. And that was when he was a criminal defendant.

    He’s now President of the United States, has all three branches of government in his back pocket, and was basically anointed as a king by the Supreme Court, who declared he’s all but immune from prosecution.

    And this judge thinks he’s going to obey his orders this time? He told you guys to fuck off on the daily when he was a civilian, and y’all did exactly nothing about it. Now he’s POTUS. The fuck is he planning on doing about it now when he violates his orders again? Send out more orders? Trump could literally tell this guy to go fuck himself and his orders with a chainsaw live on television and there’s fuck-all he can do about it.

  • Nitpick: It was more about association. When you see a price of $x.88, that’s almost always from Walmart. They want their price to be distinguishable from everybody else’s, and easier to pick out when you’re looking at a list of comparable prices when all of them are just doing $x.99 instead.

    And the 11 cent savings does add up over time at a consumer level. It means nothing as far as Walmart is concerned. But if you go grocery shopping and buy, say, 100 different items (which you can easily do during one shopping trip that covers multiple weeks or if you have a large family), that’s $11 in savings. So when you’re price comparing, it basically leads to “Well, they’re all about the same price everywhere. but if I buy it all at Walmart, I save about ten bucks. So I’ll go there.”

    It’s all about associating “$x.88” with Walmart, and making sure that if everything else is equal, Walmart still has that one last edge that tips the scales ever so slightly in their favor when it comes to consumer decisions. And it is amazingly effective.

  • But do tell me more about how you just couldn’t vote for Harris. Actually, don’t. I’m done with listening to the mental gymnastics.

    The closest to a “rational” (and I use that term very, very, very loosely) explanation I’ve been able to get, as someone who has been asking the same question for months, is that they had to protest vote in order to “send a message” to Democrats that if they don’t put forth an “acceptable” candidate, they will vote for the even worse candidate in hopes of forcing the Democrats to see the error of their ways, see how bad things could really get, then put a “better” candidate forward in 2028.

    Now of course, there are about 700 million glaring issues with this line of thinking, and there’s no explanation about how this was supposed to help the people of Palestine at all. Or anybody else for that matter. I’m just saying that in my quest to attempt to find something resembling rationale, this is the closest to a “rational” answer I’ve gotten so far.

  • Wouldn’t this round up the cost of everything to the nearest nickel? Doubt places would round down.

    Believe it or not, no. I actually think loss of the penny might actually be either break-even or a slight benefit to the consumer on that front.

    Most places advertise prices of $Y.99 so they can say that the item “costs less than $X” and get the psycological benefits associated with it. Saying $9.99 is less than $10 might sound like unreasonably silly semantics especially when you look at it on paper, but it has an extreme and effective psychological effect on the average consumer. It’s why it’s been standard practice for over a century.

    Stores wouldn’t be forced to change their pricing scheme by this in practice, as pennies will be around for decades to come even if they stopped making new ones tomorrow. But if they were, and for some reason stores were forced to round to the nearest nickel, I could see them going from $X.99 to $X.95 in an effort to maintain that psychological edge.

  • Ask yourself this question: “Are you willing to do anything to stop him?”. Because that’s the question Trump is essentially asking everybody else, and those who have the authority to do anything to stop him are largely responding by saying “No.” As long as that remains true, Trump can do what he wants.

    And even if he “can’t” do it…what’s stopping Trump from just firing all of the workers, leaving the department with zero employees actually doing the work? Trump has the power to do that, which accomplishes the same thing with a few extra steps.

    So basically, yes. Trump can dismantle the Department of Education, USAID, and any other agency he wants.

  • I watched it live as well. I agree with you that the entire situation was overblown by just about everybody and she and Justin Timberlake should have just taken responsibility and apologized for going too far live on the air. I also agree that it was a literal “blink and you’ll miss it” moment where 99% of people caught a barely-a-glimpse of titty at most.

    But she wasn’t wearing a pasty. She was wearing a sun-shaped nipple clasp, and most of her nipple was clearly visible. It might have been barely-a-glimpse of a titty, but it was still a titty, not a pasty.

  • I’ve always noticed growing up that there seems to always be one band that music fans seem to randomly focus their hate on disproportionately, often for little reason beyond “because fuck you that’s why”.

    When I first entered middle school, it was Quiet Riot. Then Winger. Creed. Nickelback. I’m sure I’m missing some in the middle, but you get the idea. There was always one band that everybody just focused their hate on, and god help you if you were actually a fan of the band because you were bullied relentlessly and labelled a “poser”. And the thing is…most of the time, these bands weren’t that bad. They were mostly cookie-cutter, middle of the road bands who brought nothing really new to the table, but they weren’t terrible either. But they got a disproportionate amount of hate for merely existing.