• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I don’t get the hyperbolic responses to fucking everything by Trump. It’s always got to be biggest, best, worst, loudest. He fucking has no middle ground in any of the bullshit he spews.

    It’s simple word association. And subliminally, it works a lot better than you think it does. When you think of Trump, you think of words like “Biggest, best, loudest”, etc. You think of it because you know that Trump will use those words to lie about himself. But all Trump cares about is that you associate him with the words “biggest”, “best”, and “loudest”. He doesn’t care why.

    It’s how he communicates. Short, easy to remember words and phrases that your brain will easily link with each other after enough repetition. Why your brain makes the connection is irrelevant. He only cares about the connection.

    And if Trump is good at anything, he has absolutely mastered this skill.

  • Here’s what I expect:

    For Harris to “win”: She needs to be able to go toe to toe with Trump. Any stuttering, nervousness, or uneasiness will be preyed upon, both immediately by Trump and afterwards in soundbytes and attack ads. She cannot have a “…we finally beat medicaid!” moment. She needs to show that she can stand up to him and give it as good as she can get it in real time. She is definitely at a bigger risk here. Trump will gaffe every 30 seconds and nobody will bat an eye. One gaffe by Harris could cost her the election. Trump will be spouting his firehose of lies while Harris won’t be able to fact-check 1% in real time. Harris needs to be pretty much perfect from start to finish. Any mistakes can and will be exploited.

    For Trump to “win”: Expectations are really low here. He’s not trying to reach new voters. He opely says he doesn’t care about policy. He is doubling down on the racism and misogyny of his base. All he needs to do is control the narrative. Ignore the rules, talk louder, interrupt mid-sentence. It doesn’t matter what gibberish he vomits out of his mouth. None of it will cause him to lose a vote. All he needs to do is dictate the narrative and pace of the debate. He solidifies his position among his base as the mysoginist who will put women back where they belong, and gives undecided voters doubt about whether she will be able to handle the pressure. I think as long as Trump forces everybody to play his games by his rules as he usually does, it’ll be a “victory” for him. Or at the very least a tie. As long as he can portray himself as the strongman going forward, he’s really got nothing to lose.

  • I don’t care how rich or poor you are. Every parent, and I mean every parent has considered every single friend and family member they could possibly squeeze free child care out of.

    Nobody is going to turn down free, reliable child care. Nobody. If a parent isn’t already tapping grandma, siblings, and friends, there’s a reason for that. Could be ranging anywhere from “Mom also has to work” to “Mom can’t keep up with a toddler any more” to “Mom is a fucking psychopath and I cut her out of my life 12 years ago.”

    This is what happens when you try to mix “inbred hillbilly” with “incoherent moron”

  • He knows his base will still see it, even if they don’t hear everything. That is what he cares about. Messaging the base. And his message is going to be to “put her in her place”. He has absolute interest in portraying himself as the alpha male who does his own thing, rules and norms be damned. That’s his whole brand.

    And this is assuming that the moderators have a spine. Do you think they’re going to actively shut his mic off if he goes past time? There’s zero chance of that happening. Trump going off at random on a hot mic = ratings. Trump demanded no fact checking last time and he got it. They continually give in to Trump’s demands because they want to continue having access to him, they don’t want to be labelled as “fake news” in one of his tweets, and they know that his soundbytes generate attention, and therefore ratings, and therefore money.

    There has never been an instance where Trump has been successfully corralled by debate moderators. I have no reason to believe that the next debate will magicallly be the first.

  • Trump has a natrually loud voice and loves to shout. Even if his mic is muted, her mic will still pick up at least some of what he’s saying. And viewers will still see he’s saying something.

    Plus, muted mics don’t change the fact that she’ll be sitting right near him and will be able to hear him. Even if the mics don’t pick it up, he can still throw her off. Try talking to one person while you have another person shouting nonsense at full volume into your ear. That’s what would be happening. Muted mics or no, Harris will try making her talking points and he’ll just keep shouting just to throw her off. If her mics pick it up, he’ll consider it a bonus.

  • Remember, everybody thought the last debate was going to be a cakewalk for Biden. All he had to do was show up and not look like a sundowning dementia patient. And look how that turned out.

    Harris may be able to “handle it” in that he’s not going to get her all worked up where she’ll break down and cry or something. But will she be able to hold her own on the debate floor? She is untested in that realm and her rally speeches show that she’s still not the most confident public speaker, and I could see a situation where Trump just doesn’t allow her to get a word in edgewise. Even if he says nothing but his usual incoherent word salads, if he can essentially bully her into silence by just throwing her off with his usual interruptions, firehoses of lies, and shouting down her responses, it could bolster his strongman persona, play to his mysoginist base by “putting her in her place”, and give some independent voters the impression that she can’t keep up.

    Like I said, Harris hasn’t been tested. Arguing in a courtroom is one thing when there’s a judge who can keep the opposition in check and has the ability to enforce it. It’s different when it’s moderators who are toothless and can’t or won’t do anything about Trump who doesn’t give a shit about the rules at all. And her continuing uneasiness when she gives rally speeches in front of friendly crowds makes me wonder how she’ll handle someone who’s game plan is literally to make her look like she belongs back in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant.

    Harris’ game plan right from the beginning is that he goes to the debate and just lashes out. That’s why she wanted the open mics. But like I said before, Biden got the debate he wanted on his terms and it ended up ending his campaign. Hopefully Harris isn’t making the same mistake.

  • Given the distribution of birthdays, this should keep total numbers at any one priso… school low enough to make other targets more appealing for the would-be shooter.

    Actually, assuming an even distribution of birthdays, this would mean that populations at any one cam…I mean school, of course…would be roughly evenly distributed. No deterrent for a would-be shooter who can just pick any school and expect similar results. No bueno. I think a better way of doing it would be to separate them by race skin tone ethnicity common background. Yeah, that’s it. Common background. Because there’s no racism or anything. Separating them by <cough> common background will make the groups small enough where even if the shooter does attack, at least the body counts will be kept to a minimum. I mean it’s not like there’s any other reason why a shooter may want to target people with certain common backgrounds, so we’re just really protecting these kids while they’re at these cam…schools. So they can, uh, concentrate. Yeah. Concentration. That’s the word of the day. We may be on to something here godblessamericalandthatIlove…