The solution is obviously to force prices to be whole dollar
My inner child died a little, knowing there are no 1c candies from my past in your future.
The solution is obviously to force prices to be whole dollar
My inner child died a little, knowing there are no 1c candies from my past in your future.
When you do %'s on totals you’ll get something like $11.553
Which is fine for a single item, they’ll round that down to $11.55 but when you start combining them, you’re off. You don’t round individual items or you can be off by a lot, you round the final one (edit: or maybe they truncate it I don’t know).
with Republicans controlling Congress, impeachment as a remedy appears unlikely.
I know what they mean, but the Republicans will be willing to impeach those judges to remedy the problem.
With taxes it can be unpredictable as you add multiple items together.
In Canada they passed a law around rounding when they did this so it’s clear set rules.
Edit: they also took them out of circulation. They didn’t just stop minting them.
Court: Contempt
Trump: Pardoned!
Court: Contempt!
Trump: Pardoned
Court <waits until Trump is asleep>: Contempt
Police: arrests DHS head.
Trump <wakes up>: Pardoned!
OMG. Okay, fine. Were going to move on from that.
Not who you’re talking to, but I’d never heard his take on that before. Thanks for sharing it.
Clarence Thomas’s ruling clearly points out that this is explicitly in the constitution, so it’s okay.
lifelong disability and functional dependency.
Poor family from medical bills, more easily manipulated into voting GOP. 3 votes secured!
Any bets if that CDC link is still working in 2026?
When there choice can harm others by spreading of disease we should care.
It’s not a this only affects them situation.
Plus, these people inflict these risks on their kids which should be child abuse. The kids aren’t able to make an informed choice.
Maybe if this takes off raw milk will show up on health questionnaires or be in the fine print as a pre existing condition
The non raw milk people should market their milk on the carton with
Death and Disease Free
Death Offers Greater Earnings.
Leopards are equal opportunity face eaters. They are very inclusive and enjoy all faces.
Maybe he can’t think this far ahead… but if like the article suggest, this is so blatant that the USSC can’t let it stand, could this just be to cause a fuss, delay things temporarily as it immediately gets halted, but then also give the USSC a “win” against him to try and show they’re not in his pocket?
I feel like the more likely scenario is if someone really wanted to do it, they wouldn’t, but they’d let it happen by inaction if someone else did it.
Oh shit, I didn’t see that shooter.