Well, we can witness the 1930ths all over again. Great. Humans are dumb idiots, they don’t learn.
Well, we can witness the 1930ths all over again. Great. Humans are dumb idiots, they don’t learn.
Elon also supporting them too perhaps?
Seems the end of the Washington Post as a serious and reliable news outlet. It will not be the last in the current anti truth wave.
What’s happening in the world lately makes me think humanity is doomed to fall back into some primitive state again. A depressing thought. I had great hopes in the nineties. Not that everything was fine, but there was much more cooperation between the large nations. We need each other to solve some major problems (many caused by ourselves). Instead, we do our best to add some really huge problems. I heard that one scientists thinks that the octopus will rule the world in the future, instead of us. I’m sure they will do better.
Putin has his claws into way too many world leaders.
Healthcare should never ever be a system based on making profit. It should be based on keeping the people as healthy as possible and limit suffering. This means strict government control and that’s something America isn’t fond off.
The whole world only has one problem: bad leadership.
Thanks for this great info! Horrific, though. Assuming that not much has changed in attitudes since that time, you can only wonder what chemicals are harming us all without us knowing it. All this while someone, somewhere, does know.
I wondered about that myself. Often, people that vote for different parties do agree about certain issues, but all that gets watered down as they are forced to just pick one party. In this day and age of technology, directly voting for plans would be quite feasible. I just don’t think it’s going to happen, as it would take the power away from the few and put it in the hands of the people. Exactly the reason why people like us would want this. Another more difficult issue is that you should be able to get an idea of how a certain vote would work out. To use a simple and silly example: we want no more tax. But the consequences of that would be devastating, roads crumble, no police or fire brigade. So we need a political independent and scientifically based model of reality that anyone can access and check what other effects a certain vote might have.
My banana is for sale as well. I’ll throw in a whole roll of duct tape.
X has become a cesspool. I’m afraid that this harassing will only increase.
Thanks! very well done, but a horrific truth as well.
You can see this movement spreading rapidly, like a cancer. People who don’t really agree, just go with the flow, for money or out of fear.