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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Reminds me of Jung’s theory around The Gaze, and how by ourselves we are our own subjects, capable of authoring our own paths, but as soon as another being is introduced and we’re subject to their gaze, their own aspect of being a subject necessarily forces some objectification upon us (and us on them). It’s interesting theory, and a good examination of why some people feel so incredibly uncomfortable with others around.

  • I have a middling case of aphantasia. I can create a basic image, blurry shapes, low detail, etc. with a lot of focus and concentration. I struggle immensely with faces I haven’t seen a lot, and spatial orientation. Beyond that, I simply think in terms of words more than images.

    As far as chess, this means I’m logically thinking out the moves, rather than mentally picturing it. I tend to get a bit overwheled trying to internalize the new board state after more than a couple of moves. I also don’t play chess much, though, and would probably simply train that ability by playing more, just like someone without aphantasia will train visualizing more board shapes ahead.

  • Stephen King’s Dark Tower series is my go-to epic fantasy. I’m about to start a 4th trip to the tower once I’m done with my current listen.

    Enders Game by Orson Scott Card, and a select few other books in the series (Speaker for the dead and Enders Shadow most notably) - Card at the top of his game is fantastic, I just wish he didn’t dive completely off the deep end.

    Tangentially, Berserk, if you include manga. Hands down my favorite piece of media altogether.

  • Cordless screw driver. Bought the day after building a flat pack bed with a crappy screw.driver that just shredded my hand. Thought it was frivolous at the time, but I’ve used it so much since. It’s light, small enough to fit in my pocket and good for 90% of DIY tasks.

    Got a gun from sako the other day it’s cute, it’s small, fits right in my pocket (yeeeeeah right in my pocket)

    Real answers tho:

    1. Air pump for car tires. I have notoriously bad luck with flats, leaks, etc. This thing has saved me more than a few times.

    2. KVM switch. I work from home, this lets me have my work computer and my personal computer connected to the same equipment, and I can toggle between them with either a physical switch or a keyboard hotkey

    3. Bit of a curve ball, but therapy. Life’s tough, gotta have some outlets and advice sometimes.

  • I pointed out in another post that yes, please, do what you can as an individual. That means, when your car reaches its natural end, then yeah, go for an EV. The point I’m aiming for though is that if each and every person switched to EVs overnight, it’s not going to have the impact we need it to to arrest the carbon emissions problems we have.

    We have megacorps that don’t have a reason to limit their production. We have countries seemingly actively working to make shit worse. EVs aren’t a magic bullet, they’re not something that we need to be quite so aggressively pursuing when there are other very real things that we can do to make an actual impact.

  • There are a TON of issues with EVs as a first line approach to emissions. Manufacturing emissions is a big one, admittedly that one will come down as infrastructure gets up to date with what we have already for vehicle manufacturing.

    A much more important factor, however, is the fact that the individual’s contribution to emissions is negligible. It doesn’t really matter what we, as private citizens, do when corporations or billionaires produce so much carbon emissions. When Taylor Swift’s JET ALONE produces more carbon annually than 1000 individuals driving their car daily, it doesn’t matter one iota what kind of vehicle the average joe drives.

    We need infrastructure, and we need governance. Pointing the finger at regular guys and saying you’re the problem because you drive a combustion engine is folly at best.