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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023


  • Sorry, but air-quality damage from gas cooking & air-quality damage from burning cooking-oil have nothing to do with each-other.

    Both create harmful air.

    Cooking with electric stove ( induction seems to be the cheapest, next to microwave, in terms of energy ) removes the air-quality harm done by gas.

    Burning cooking-oil harms air-quality no matter what heating-technology was used to produce the mistake.

    _ /\ _

  • Here’s an experiment for you:

    Get as many different kinds of curry-powder as you can find,

    & then simply try whichever of those smell good for you.

    You choose the ingredients, otherwise.

    It may well be that cumin’s bad for your Ayurvedic type, your specific metabolism.

    Whatever metabolism I’m in now, I hate seafood, yet I have kombu, and can’t stand Japanese Soy Sauce ( too seafood-like ),

    yet I loved Japanese Soy Sauce on lots of stuff, until a couple of years ago.

    1 time my metabolism changes such that orange-juice went from being wonderful to being aweful, in about 2 days.

    Read Frawley’s “Ayurvedic Healing”, & do the experiment of trying alternate-pairs of dishes, where 1 of each pair is

    • ingredients that are pacifying for your metabolism-type

    & the other of the pair is

    • ingredients that are aggravating for your metabolism-type

    The ingredients-lists in that book are the ONLY all-correct lists I’ve ever encountered.

    ( all those who claim that the existence of charlatains in Ayurveda “proves” that Ayurveda, itself, is bogus, …

    … well, notice that they SIMULTANEOUSLY say that the existence of mega-Ivermectin-for-Covid charlatain M.D.'s do not falsify the validity of Western Medicine.

    The “logic” that “the existence of some charlatains” somehow falsifies a system they don’t honestly represent, is, itself, false, in BOTH cases, equally.

    WHEN one sticks to the objectively-validatable ingredients-lists in Frawley’s “Ayurvedic Healing”, THEN one gets consistently correct results.

    Evidence-based knowing.

    To understand the different metabolisms better, add & read Frawley & Kozak’s “Yoga For Your TYPE” book.

    Vasant Lad seems trustworthy, too,

    and “PaleoVedic Diet” is generally right, but that damn Ajwain, I won’t ever put more than 1 single seed in any person’s food, because the terpenes in 'em are too strong.

    For terpenes, instead of Ajwain, now I use a couple of pine-needles per day.

    A bit odd, but they do seem to help my health.

    & if terpenes, in the right dosage, are good for one’s health, then this should be good.

    Some American Indians used to prevent scurvy with eating 'em or brewing 'em as a drink, apparently. )

    PS: Indian cooking is insanely diverse.

    You could probably cook a different recipe every day, for the next 500 years, without repeating one of 'em.

    Look at the cookbooks…

    PPS: the best cookbooks in the world are usually the America’s Test Kitchen cookbooks, but they won’t do the experiment for Ayurvedically-appropriate-ingredients-for-a-specific-person’s-metabolism, and they don’t have an Indian cookbook, that I know-of.

    Anyways, you do the experiments, & you discover what you discover!

    _ /\ _

  • Violence is changing in the US, and the “dip” is … temporary.

    ( the calm before the storm )

    Notice that mass-shootings are now over 2x per day in the US.

    That isn’t a decrease, that is skyrocketing.

    After economic collapse destroys Biden in 2024 ( incumbents lose when the economy wrecks, and right-wing “getting even” often/usually wins on that circumstance, exactly as Hitler did, nearly a century ago ),

    and the kkk rules the US, you won’t see low violence statistics, you may well not see any statistics, because it might be illegal to collect them, just as the NRA lobbied until it got child-deaths-by-guns to no longer be monitored ( anti-evidence on that, is evil ).

    People like Steven Pinker, who insists that “economic violence doesn’t exist” ( really? double the unemployment rate, & see if violent-crime changes, and in which direction, if your ideology permits you to see the evidence, Pinker ), and others who look at short term ( some years, a decade or 2 ), but who ignore the consequences of the now-normal working-destitution, of the enforcing learned-helplessness into more & more & more of the population ( learned-helplessness produces nihilism & sadism, as Russian culture, and all the torture-chambers Russians create throughout Ukraine, or Wagner-territory )…

    There are consequences that take a generation or 2 to “flower”.

    The chickens are coming home to roost, soon.

    Nobody on the planet, who has intellectual integrity, is going to claim “violence has decreased” once the now-inevitable slaughter has got going.

    Wait until 2026 & try claiming that lethal violence has decreased in the US, on average, I dare you/anyone.

    Humanity wouldn’t correct the real/fundamental problems, and so … the distractions … didn’t work, and the fundamental problems now get to take possession/ownership of our world.

    Oh, well: I guess people can’t learn until experience-induced-understanding forces learning into one, so it’s natural, but … it’s going to cost an ocean of lives.

  • it is called “establishing ownership”.

    Once their identity is consolidated that way,

    then they can enforce their certain-in-their-own-unconscious ownership of Asia, through any violence necessary.

    You can see equivalent self-dishonesty in the West, & you can see it in Modi’s delusion that Russia is going to help them against China, even through Russia is financially now a vassal-state of China…

    Once the economy guts the Democrats in the US, losing them the 2024 election, & Trump guts NATO, backs Russia & Saudi Arabia,

    what is going to protect Asia from China’s smashing it like they did Tibet?

    7 years from Trump’s coronation ( in 2025 ) is all Asia has left, it seems.

    Establishing ownership is fundamental to bullying, btw: rodents do it, sneaking into places at night, so that they feel righteous when fighting for “their” new territory during the day…

    I hadn’t understood that bullying had both a yin/molesting/violating phase & a yang/overt-bullying phase until rodents taught me how it’s done…

    The governments who push privacy-violating laws & systems, then later stomp civil-rights, they are demonstrating exactly the same Pattern.

    The religions who push for “some” control of everybody’s life, relentlessly pushing for “a little more” authority, then once a tipping-point is crossed, suddenly they can switch from yin-bullying to yang-bullying … same thing.

    It’s a really common pattern throughout human history, lately…

  • Learned-helplessness produces both Nihilism & Sadism.

    The Russian soldiers’ habit of making torture-chambers everywhere proves this.

    Russian culture’s “fate regime” concept of relationship also proves this ( it proves the learned-helplessness aspect of it ).

    ( apparently that article explaining how in Russia, people entirely accept that fate, and nothing else, decides who marries who, is now … gone??

    Neither DuckDuckGO nor google have it… )

    Deterrent requires that both parties have aversion to destruction.

    However, when 1 party has become nihilist, then they can assault the other as a means of baiting the other into sadistic-aggression, in order that all the neighbours commit to annihilating the one who was successfully baited into demonstrating genocidal sadism.

    Israel won’t exist, in 10 years, no matter what, now.

    NOTHING can make the Arab world accommodate its life, now.


    The Christian Bible’s Matthew 24 had a prophecy that is about to become historical-fact, in the coming decade.

    Here’s a decent version of it:


    That bit around verses 15-20 is the pertinent area.

    Simply wait 1 decade, and see: if Israel still exists, as a country, in 2033, I’ll eat a hat.

    And it was entirely preventable, had there been enough committment to having neutral authorities in West Bank ( UN ), and NO political-dishonesty OR nationalist bullying permitted from either side…

    Needless, politically-enforced & needless…

    : \

  • Those are the natures of the phases of The Great Filter:

    from top to bottom:

    • AnimalsAndTribesTime ( the StalkGrowingTime, of the people-of-the-corn, the future LivingPeace time being the FloweringTime, in their prophecies/predictions ), Unconsciously Wasting Opportunity, Potential, Resources, Time, etc ( last few millenia )

    • Predicting the inevitable and inescapable circumstances in The Great Filter ( the Christian bible’s “Revelations” and “Daniel” & other stuff, some Indigenous prophecy, like The Great Purification, & the one with the everybody-in-the-forest-is-panicking-and-the-whole-forest-is-burning, which is symbolic, etc… )

    • an “Age” ( a “Day” as a thousand years, followed by a “Night” as a thousand years, aka approx 2 millenia ) passes after the earliest of those predictions/prophecies, blossoming into…

    • An Industrial Age, industriously butchering the ecology, the climate-basis, EVERYthing, thus enforcing what the scientifically-testable-prediction/prophecy predicted, for possession-of-dollars…

    multiple transformations, accelerating, eventually 1 of those becoming a tipping-point, that is…

    • The Yin Unravelling, when ignoring/denying and the assumed-entitlement underlying it, “protects” the spiritual/progressive population, while the herd-authority-BULLING factional-supremacists, of all kinds, work at setting-up the decapitation of all governance ( began a few decades ago )

    • The Yang Unravelling, when SUDDENLY rampaging military butchery is empire-building globally, and at the end of this phase 4 empires/alliances remain on the world ( this has to do with the unconscious-mind Rule of 3: it isnt possible for a normal limbic or brainstem mind to track more than 3 things, I saw a Nature article on their site about salamanders having this 3-thing-limit, so self+3-others becomes the planetary-limit due to a psychological LAW underlying possibly all vertebrates ).

    This stage takes ( on this world ) 7 years. Since I expect this stage to begin in the January of 2025, when Trump is crowned GEOTUS ( this is truly-sad, but if you go to https://www.Wikipedia.org/ and you search for GEOTUS, you will be landed on the Donald Trump page. “GEOTUS” stands for “God Emperor Of The United States”. Exactly what Daniel predicted, back when Buddha was kicking around ) :

    Israel is going to be annihilated then.

    It is probable that with Trump gutting NATO, & siding with Russia, most of East Europe will become possession of Russia, who, themselves, will be owned by the CCP who financially own Russia, right now, and increasingly, too…

    Asia is going to be smashed by CCP, in the Yang Unravelling.

    Africa? Smashed by the one that Eternity ( or the meditations dwelling deep within it, whichever ) calls “The Demon King”, turned partly into a worshiping-of-that-king and a mountain-of-murders.

    The West? civil-wars, civil “schizophrenia” tearing it to shreds, going nowhere.

    • Hammerfall, when ALL enforcement-of-violence, through ALL means, owns EVERYTHING in the world.

    This, obviously, is what ww3 aka “The Great Purification” ( Indigenous, 9+ centuries old prophecy/prediction ) or “THE Valley Of Death” refers to.

    Because Kessler-Syndrome gets enforced by all sides, the very beginning of Hammerfall phase, then it turns immediately into a grinding war-of-attrition, globally.

    It will go on for multiple decades, probably tending-towards 1/2 century.

    • Ecological-collapse, of both terrestrial & marine food-webs, is guaranteed late this-century, given our rabid butchery of it, for a few temporary dollars: multiplying the butchery-of-food-web by ww3 makes it impossible that it won’t happen, this century.

    I’ve no idea what the proper-naming-of-this-stage’s-essence is, yet.

    TimeOfBillionsOfDeaths ( a very-few years, since you can’t postpone nutritional-requirement, unlike a particular-territory’s-battle ) would be a sane name for that phase, but Eternity will speak its meaning, whenever it does.

    • Some kind of transformation happens, later, but the war-of-attrition continues grinding, until factional-herdbeast-bulling-supremacism is extinguished, whether anybody-else survives, or not, planetwide…

    • I expect no more than 1.5% of humankind to be living into next-century’s possible, but not guaranteed “LivingPeace”.

    Both Jewish & Christian bibles contradict me, saying 1/3rd survive Hammerfall & TimeOfBillionsOfDeaths, but … they don’t actually identify what fraction survives the whole thing, do they?

    The Christian version only identifies that 2/3rds of the planet’s population dies, during some part of the whole catastrophy.

    Therefore, 1 or the other is guaranteed to be wrong, simply because you can’t have 2 identical-fractions of death for 2 different scopes of time, around this century… the scope that includes more of the butchery, all the phases, should have a higher-number, arithmetically, right?

    The names I’m certain-of, I didn’t invent: they just were, themselves, and I eventually either found them, in the Eternity-dwelling meditations, or was told them, and they fit.

    Like when somebody pointed-out that the term translated in Christian bibles’ Revelations as “harlot” and “whore” is also “strumpet”, in Rev’s referring to “the Jezebel”.

    ( check any thesaurus of English for the truth of that, btw )

    Anyways, since you actually cared to understand, I hope this clarifies what I currently find to be true, whether it proves-out or not.

    Kaizen requires that one relentlessly improve one’s current-view based-on-evidence, right?

    & Scientific Method requires letting the evidence speak its Truth, right?

    : )

    Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, Hoomin!

    ( :

  • I only glanced at that, & saw the ascendency/supremacy items…

    Any moron can see that the dark-pentad…

    { Narcissism; Machiavellianism; Psychopathy; Nihilism; Sadism }

    …is being more-and-more explored & pushed by various factional-supremacists throughout our world…

    “Mutually Assured Destruction” … is ONLY a deterrant when BOTH sides DON’T assume that God is going to obediently reward them for “martyring” themselves, with other-souls/CellsOfGod made into personal-slaves for them, for all Eternity.

    Hamas’s aim is Mutually Assured Destruction: Nihilism, with religious-reward from the GiverOfAllSouls supposedly rewarding them for their Nihilism-enforcement.

    The “Christian” apocalyptic-nihilists are on the same wavelength, btw.

    The Yang Unravelling stage of this Great Filter either has begun, or is about-to begin, between now & spring 2025…

    There should be only 4 factions/empires left on the planet by 2033, and then the Hammerfall stage of The Great Filter begins, and should last for about 1/2 or so century, before terrestrial & marine food-webs collapse… maybe less than 1/2 century, but it won’t be a mere-decade…

    For all who believe that ICBM’s are going to settle everything in mere-days, Kessler Syndrome is going to rip the rug out from all aerospace force-projection, right in the 1st few hours, if not minutes, of Hammerfall-stage.

    It’s like hollering into a building hurricane: nobody is going to believe ANY of this, until it has already become historical-fact, and even-then, it’ll be denied by the world’s majority: ideological-addiction/prejudice is a drug stronger than crack?

    Non-objectivity is a mental-illness our cultures have made their beloved-drugs. And our lives are going to pay the price for that ignoring/denying, a thousandfold.

    : \

  • The collapse of the economy is going to gut that: 2024 won’t be won by the Democrats.

    I hadn’t forseen the 17-month suspension-from-traiding put on Evergrande group, but that didn’t prevent them from losing, oh, 2 ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE of value, on the day they began trading again…

    You simply can’t remove the anti-financial-crisis-rules, as Trump did, without enabling financial-crisis-2, which is going to have Citadel simply disappear, instead of paying for the naked-shorting it’s been doing…

    Whatever: nobody believes that the current-conditions are real, so why bother trying to communicate that the progression-from-now-to-inevitable-consequences is real, right?

    The Republicans win 2024, due to backlash, and then their “Red Caesar” dictatorship plan decapitates “democracy” from the US in early 2025, and then … then the ocean-of-butchery begins.

    This is, obviously, a testable prediction: simply wait & see.

    I expect there to be about 260 million slaughtered in the 14 years beginning with 2025, in North America, not including those who die fighting in ww3, only including those who died in the internal war(s) & the natural-disasters of this accelerating ClimatePunctuation time.

    Simply wait & see: science is made of testable predictions, and the tests that either falsify 'em or fail to falsify 'em.

    Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen.

    ( :