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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023


  • Tell them of a famous guy, the most “woke” person in the entire bible, a socialist & convicted-felon people call “Jesus” benJoseph, who called hypocrites “Hypocrites!” right in their face, instead of “turning the other cheek”, a guy who got *physically violent" on the commercial-operation of the temple…

    See if they just blot that out from their awareness, to fit their ideology…

    Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast And Slow” is the key book to understanding the different mechanisms of mind, in the ideology/prejudice/instinct/reaction circuit, vs the considered-reasoning-circuit, in case you want the real “artillery” of understanding what’s going on in the world, now…

    _ /\ _

  • Never mistake ideology/prejudice, aka Kahneman1 mind ( my term for it, from the ocean of understanding in Daniel Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast And Slow”, the most important book in the whole world, for understanding what’s going on, right now ).

    Ideology/prejudice, is THE ascendant-force among our world, & the greater the ClimatePunctuation’s acceleration ( its speed won’t peak for a few more decades, before slowing-down again, obviously ) continues, stress will drive ideology/prejudice’s supremacism, through all factions, globally.

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  • Paragone@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.worldIf Trump Wins
    24 days ago

    I disagree: it took me years, but finally I understood that it’ll take him a few years to go from “I’m dictator” to “I’M DICTATOR”.

    That process is an identity-remaking.

    There will be literal human-sacrifice after a few years, but not at the beginning.

    I hope I’m wrong, but … certain I’m right, on this point.

    _ /\ _

  • Power-consumption.

    Also, the vibration produced by the 2.5" drives is less, but they’re more-sensitive to it, to begin with.

    I’d not even consider spinning-platter drives, nowadays, though:

    SATA SSD’s for a NAS strike me as being the sanest choice.

    Samsung what are those called, Evo drives?

    excellently-high MTBF, ultra-short ( compared with rotating-platters ) seek-time ( literally orders-of-magnitude quicker ), etc.

    I don’t know of ANY reason to go with spinning-platters, nowadays.

    ( & I’m saying that as a guy stupid-enough to have not realized this in time, & who spent money on such a thing, when SSD’s really were the answer )