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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • I have, though it ended up with that person disappearing and trying to commit suicide. It took me a long time to get over the associated trauma.

    The way I see it now is that love isn’t something that will bind people to you and keep them with you forever. If you love someone, let them go, let them be free. If they still choose to be with you, then they love you too. If not, you couldn’t have held on to that person without causing resentment and pain to both of you.

    I hope some of this helps :)

  • You can get prepackaged meals that you can eat after submerging the packet in hot water for a few minutes. Hot water is easily available in most place, even more so if you carry a flask.

    Protein bars are filling and quite nice to eat. Dried fruits like apricots or dates are also a nice calorie rich option. Bread and jam/pb are the usual travel staples. Milk powder and cornflakes/cereal is also an option, but not one of my favourites.

    You can also carry out forms of bread like pretzels, bagels or focaccia which will last for a few days or even more.

    Don’t forget that experiencing local food is part of any travel experience :) you’re not going to travel to Iceland to just eat in the future. So it might be a good idea to explore local supermarkets for some local fruits, bread, snacks and so on. Hopefully some Icelandic person will chime in with more suggestions.

  • A little unrelated context that sort of lends a bit of background to this will make things equal claim.

    I was at one time an international non-white student at a US institution. After joining, during orientation I find out that the test scores and metrics required for international students is insanely high compared to US citizens. Like in a subject based international test, I had to score above 95th percentile while most of the students from the US did not even write the test or if they had, scored on average around 75th.

    To add more context, I come from a country with far weaker education system and it cost me around half an year of savings to pay for this test.

    So, I find it hilarious ridiculous when people think that any of these institutions are remotely fair. I understand how for these institutions citizens > aliens. Now try transplanting this context on to different race groups within the country.

    I’m not a huge fan of affirmative action or its local equivalent, but I understand why it is needed and it is the responsibility of the government and judiciary to assess it’s impact before deciding to do away with it.

    I also wish they would focus more on things like, nutrition, good school environment, truancy, access to healthcare and so on for disadvantaged groups instead of trying to act at a level where most of the disadvantaged people cannot reach. Still something is better than nothing.