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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • This kinda just feels like “what single question would you ask ChatGPT if it was omniscient” so my mind is just getting lost in the arcane and complex structuring and restructuring of the question to get the answer you want rather than one that literally answers the exact question you asked.

    Assuming though that you actually do just get the answer to the intent and spirit of your question the only rational one I can think of would have to be some variation of:

    “What answer could you give me that would offer me the most peace, contentment and sense of resolution to my life?”

    Otherwise I’d spend an eternity (or however long I’d have to consider my question) pondering how to ask that question without getting an accurate and correct response like:

    “A really good one.”

  • As others have noted proper good quality fresh truffle is really worth it (unlike all the “it’s no nicer than regular food but we’ve served it on a statue, covered it in gold leaf and sprinkled salt onto it off the top of a bald man’s head” fancy food you can spend a fortune on.) Freshly shaved truffle is like if Willy Wonka decided to turn his hand to making the perfect savoury food experience. It smells like the most satisfying food ever and then the instant your teeth slightly penetrate the surface of the shaving it somehow seems to instantly fill every space in your head with that scent at double the intensity and your whole mouth is awash with a uniquly rich and warm flavour.

    I love single origin chocolate and was once gifted a bar of Amedei Porcelana (sometimes called “the most expensive chocolate in the world.”) It was, unsurprisingly, a perfectly executed bar of chocolate. Texture, balance of sugar to cocoa etc were all flawless. The flavour was delicate and perfectly balanced. It was like the most refined expression of the exact central archetype of what chocolate should taste like. I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone who would like to experience the most perfectly chocolatey chocolate. Personally I found that while it was a flawless execution of a straight down the middle chocolate and I am very glad to have had it, I prefer a bit more character and so my favourite bar is still the Grenada Chocolate Co 71% (which slaps you in the face with big juicy tropical fruit flavour and is overall not quite as refined as Amedai Porcelana.) Though I’ve not had the chance to eat either in several years so I suppose it’s possible they may have changed since…

  • I on the other hand don’t want to mess around with an adapter I will break or loose once a year for the 1-2 times a day I plug a 3.5mm headphone jack into my phone. As for size… am I really the only one who thinks phones are too skinny now? My current phone is “thick” compared to what most manufacturers are shooting for now and I don’t like holding it without the extra thickness from my cheap phone case. Like… it’s an unpleasantly un-ergonmic experience holding something too rigid and thin. It seems like everyone else thinks we’re nowhere near that point yet. Maybe I just have delicate sensitive hands…

  • Blizzard are still simultaneously making gross comments about how players are just too stupid to see that they are wrong about wanting to play 6v6 whilst not actually delivering on their previous claim that they would offer it as an alternative mode at some stage.

    I can’t see how it would be complex for them to do it. They already have a balance patch for multiple tanks and you can enable 6v6 in the workshop. It can’t be very difficult for them to spin up a 6v6 quickplay. What do they have to lose if they are convinced that the playerbase doesn’t realise how little fun they’d have playing it? Either Blizzard are right, people play it and say “y’know what? Their condescending comments about how ‘nostalgia is a powerful drug’ when we say we want 6v6 back like they promised were right after all! 6v6 does suck!” and then they can just take it down, or Blizzard are wrong and offering it as an option makes their players happy and excited to play more Overwatch.

    It’s a win-win so long as you’re not making your decisions based on sheltering the ego of the individual developers from having to deal with being wrong about stuff. Multi-billion dollar businesses would never make silly self-destructive decisions based on something like that, right?

  • It wasn’t the first game I played, nor the first I was really drawn in by but Ultima IV on the Master System just seemed like a miracle. There could be an entire world with a rich history, populated by diverse characters where I got to step into the role of the protagonist of a story like in a fantasy novel only I had the freedom to make my own choices about how to respond to the story, the gameplay rewarded careful thinking over twitchy reflexes and the game world was so big it expanded into real world artefacts. I had no idea of the potential of the medium until I encountered that game but it all unfolded before me once I had.