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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • Going from your suggestions I was able to find a workaround to change the device’s state with just one click, so thank you for that.

    For the second problem, it seems that while HA sends a command instantly, it only actually changes states on the dashboard once the device sensors update, which seems to be hard coded to happen about every 30 seconds. I am using an integration from HACS (Custom VeSync) though, so I feel like the problem is more likely to do with my own setup. Then again HA would previously just send the requested command no matter what the state was before…

    Either way I’m not really familiar with Github beyond reading release notes and readmes.

    Edit: Reading further into the integration I’m using, I realized that it relies on cloud polling. I wonder if there’s a way to make Home Assistant assume that a command went through and change states immediately and then confirm the change with the next polling cycle, rather than just waiting. Unfortunately I don’t know how to implement something like this.

  • I do have one problem with the new humidifier cards. Some buttons got shuffled around and now turning a device off and on went from being a single click to three separate operations. Additionally, it is less reliable now, as it won’t send a turn on/off command instantly, rather only when the state of the device changes in HA. I don’t toggle them frequently, but when I do I want it to be fast. I’m sure there’s some workaround for it, but it just worked previously and now it just doesn’t.

  • I’m sure, and it’s great for the usability of the products, I’m just always wary about updates changing settings in the background and not necessarily informing the user. Google is pulling this same thing with their ‘ad personalization’ tracking nonsense. Most users won’t know how to or won’t bother to opt out of something that was automatically turned on in the background, even if they would prefer it to be off if they had been asked.

  • I’m glad there are positive changes, and obviously those are most effective in healthcare situations.

    However, from my personal experience as a university student in Canada, everything is the same if not worse than before. Hand sanitizer stations have been removed or simply not refilled, people straight up refuse to wear masks even when they’re sick. A week or two ago in class, I saw many people literally sneeze into their hands and then wipe the snot on their chairs (and these are supposed to be engineering students!). There is still no ventilation or even filtration in any of our classrooms.

    Not only is personal protective equipment not used by almost anyone, its use is actively stigmatized by many, including professors at school. To me this is completely ridiculous, but unfortunately reality.