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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • Supporters say the new law aims to stop men from poisoning pregnant partners in order to induce abortion without consent.

    Any time they make up this kind of excuse for passing onerous and unnecessary legislation - whether it’s abortion medication or drag shows or bathroom bills - we have to ask two questions:

    1. How common is the behavior that this is intended to address?
    2. How much do you expect this to go down as a result of the legislation, and how long should it take?

    If they can’t answer that, they should face having their legislation blocked as failing to establish an evidence-based argument.

  • Nothing that you’re saying about INR is remotely true. They’re academics and specialists who produce long form research and in depth studies. They’re not “in charge” of anyone.

    Up until the post-9/11 shuffle, the US intelligence community (IC) was led by the director of the CIA, and the IC comprised CIA, DIA, NSA, NRO, INR, defense branch agencies, and others. CIA and DoD were the ones with operational branches alongside analysts, the rest were pretty much analysis-oriented or technical (eg cryptography). Although there is some overlap, the individual agencies largely have complementary missions.

    Foreign actors were already at work in the Palestinian elections. Netanyahu spoke about how his administration was supporting Hamas as the best way possible to avoid having to establish a two state solution with a stable Palestinian government in Gaza and the West Bank.

    Instead of arguing why you seemingly want to lay all of this at the feet of INR, due to some hatred towards Hillary Clinton you’re trying to get out of defending your assertion by criticizing IS foreign policy as a whole. That’s not arguing in good faith, and you’d be better off just acknowledging that you didn’t read the article and have no idea what you’re talking about.

  • What? No.

    Trump owns (iirc) about 58% of the shares in the company. He wants the price to go up. He at least wants to have the price up when his sell window is open (although a big sell off will crater the price because it both puts more shares on the market and because it signals disinterest/lack of faith).

    Short sellers don’t own shares in the companies they’re shorting (with a couple of exceptions for hedging purposes). They borrow shares via their broker to sell XYZ at $50 and then buy the actual shares when XYZ hits $40.

    The short interest in the company is insane, from everything I’ve read. It seems like most of the market is betting on it going down in flames probably this year.

    Still, Trump’s going to walk away with what’s at least a billion or two. We need better regulation.

  • Putting abortion rights in as a federal law isn’t stronger than having it as a constitutionally protected right. There are multiple times when the republicans held both chambers to the degree that they could have passed a law that counteracted an abortion rights law. They couldn’t do so because the right was found to be constitutionally protected.

    The strongest protection would have been to have the constitutional protection on the broad right and then federal laws establishing individual guidelines ensuring that there wasn’t variability between the states. But simply having a federal law wouldn’t have ensured abortion rights - anything passed by one Congress can be undone by the next.

    The mistake was not voting for Hillary in 2016. Anyone who did not vote for her was implicitly saying they don’t care if abortion rights are taken away. I was (and am) a Bernie supporter, and I have been since before he hit the Senate. I still voted for her, even though I’m in one of the bluest districts in a blue state.