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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • I was referring moreso to the cultural impact. (Though from your later replies I think you’re just making a joke I’m not getting)

    When I think of things I respect about the US and the positive impact its had, I tend to think of how most governments at the time (50s-70s and 70s-90s) seemed to be cracking down on personal free expression (granted that was happening in the US for nonwhite people) and yet Americans (specifically those in counter-culture movements) were able to resist and come out on top. Hell, I’d even throw in comic book creators as having made their mark on moving the needle towards free expression despite loud criticism from conservative mobs.

  • Yeah, me too! I’d totally rather die in a camp or be deported than stand for my values and fight for what’s right, especially if it might give the appearance that I’m compromising on my values which I’m absolutely willing to compromise in the interest of politics. /s

    Snark aside, I wish we’d stood up for Anthony Weiner. Dude was legit amazing back in the day. Corporate media networks were absolutely gleeful to tear him down and people just watched it happen and laughed the whole time. Then again, I think maybe my values are just more in line with the idea of actually accomplishing political goals (read: legislation and policy) and not so much with making performative gestures that only serve to hurt said political goals. Obviously, in Weiner’s case dude committed crimes (iirc), but again he was an incredible politician, which is what he was hired for. Politicians are tools, like doctors and mechanics, they’re not our friends; they’re fellow citizens that provide a necessary service. I wouldn’t let Weiner or my mechanic babysit but that doesn’t mean they’re not skilled at what they do.

    Anyway, we’re probably going to just continue arguing about bs like this while the right consolidates power and supports ruthless leaders. All while we’re asking/tearing down our leaders what pronouns they use or their opinions on eating steak or who knows what. Else Not saying pronouns and the beef industry/climate change aren’t important to some/many people - power to em, for sure - but it seriously feels like people need to get a grip. The distractions are real. We need to focus!


    I’ll miss Al Franken and I was disappointed he didn’t stand up for himself. His supporters and his constituents deserved that, imo

  • You’re not making sense, dude. And your analogy is wack, too.

    It’s their job to break the rules/cheat? Is it a sportsball player’s job to try and break their rivals’ legs?

    Do you blame workers when they lose their jobs when factory jobs are shipped overseas?

    I’d be happy to place some blame on lazy/disinterested citizens, complicit corporate media networks, the effect of legalized bribery in politics, but to go the other way and actually say you support candidates doing whatever it takes to win is gross

  • It’s a candidate’s job to try to gain favor from the convention, just as it’s the convention’s job to remain impartial.

    “No you don’t understand, political candidates are supposed to be slimy and dishonest!”

    Your insufferable attitude aside, that’s an insane position to take and it’s ridiculous you said that without providing anything to defend it like it’s common knowledge or something to be desired in a presidential candidate - especially after you were so anal about things that were explicitly spelled out for you and which you still struggled to understand

  • Hasn’t Fetterman been getting tons of criticism for being exactly that, being to the right of most leftists/liberals? Do you think that’s overblown and he’s still mostly on the side of the left?

    I hope you can tell how clueless many of us feel having read your initial comments. You’re not doing a great job of communicating what you think and why. Granted, you don’t have to, and it’s a bit annoying how much patience is required, but if you don’t others will likely not care to ask you to explain. Anyway, just a thought as I’ve been realizing I need to get better at communicating - I’m probably overdoing it now ;)

  • In the telephone survey of 1,818 adults Aug. 10-14, 71% of Americans described the economy as either not so good or poor. And 51% said it’s getting worse.

    But 60% said their financial situation is good or excellent.

    Come the fuck on dude. How can you possibly believe that? And who’s upvoting all your comments?

    Everything you say now is suspect if you can believe that data is representative of most Americans. Not only that, you’re parroting the info everywhere like you’re confident in the data and knowledgeable on the subject, and yet it’s based on fucking phone interviews. What single, working mom do you think answers a random phone number and then is also willing to take an interview about the economy?

  • Sorry, if this feels legit impossible to believe. I live in SoCal and literally everyone I know is struggling or has commented about how much more expensive rent is and how impossible it seems to get by compared to just a few years ago. Lots of people have to live with their parents/families now even though they work full time.

    What do you or “economists” call it when no one (exaggerating here in case it’s not obvious) in a city/state can afford rent to live on their own like they used to be able to? Put another way, what do you call it when six figures used to mean stability and now it means paycheck to paycheck for many families?

    You’re seriously saying people are just confused about their finances? What about all the articles about people not buying new cars and not buying this or that anymore? Why do economists think that is? That’s just a coincidence?

  • It’s like 2016 all over again. It’s fascinating how we learned absolutely nothing.

    We’re fucked and there’s nothing we can do about it

    I’ll vote for Biden, and do it proudly, but I’d never be so pathetic as to resort to whatever the fuck these grandstanding libs/Dems/definitely not progressives are doing when they try to “convince” people to support the candidate they support (read: try to feel morally superior for their vote) as they look down their noses at anyone that dares to ask, “Hey, did Clinton oppose gay marriage? Did she do enough to oppose the Iraq War when she was Secretary of State? Is it true she’s said some super racist shit in the past?”

  • Isn’t that just showing an increase in income that’s like a tiny percentage? Didn’t that “raise” come during a period when inflation increased significantly and cancelled it all out?

    Honestly, it’s super annoying that you replied all defensive as if anyone was attacking Biden. It’s hard to take anything you say seriously now. I’m voting for the piece of shit but it seems insane to pretend he’s actually trying to help poor Americans at the expense of corporations and their shareholders.

    There’s an ongoing class war and there’s bipartisan support for the rich in all three branches of gov.