What’s the issue? The FBI is clearly asking why Kamala hasn’t been assassinated.
What’s the issue? The FBI is clearly asking why Kamala hasn’t been assassinated.
Yelling “Fire!” in a crowded venue is not protected under Free Speech.
They may exchange goods and services for checks and bribery.
Cool. So fucking arrest him. He’s a public figure that knowingly and willingly endangered an entire population. Throw the book at his big fat eyelined face.
He can’t. Biden dropped out before the convention, he wasn’t yet nominated or accepted it. Trump is the nominee.
I would agree if she were a vapid pop star. But she’s very clearly an intelligent business woman who also has musical talent. There are worse public figures to take cues from.
TLDR: FBI won’t do their job.
Lied about Kamala being a Border Czar. She led a diplomatic initiative aimed at curbing immigration, she was never directly involved in border matters.
The main thing I think is that she demonstrated she can hold her own.
On the other hand, she actually originally requested his mic not be muted, probably because she knew he’d hang himself.
The entire reason he ran in the first place was because Obama made a joke about him in a speech, and it embarrassed him.
Goddamn, I wish a moderator had called him out on that one. I didn’t realize he was referencing asylum seekers, and the humiliation as they explain it slowly to him would be wonderful.
Yes. She handled him calmly, rationally, got in a few good shots, and kept him on defense. I don’t think there was one stumble, or moment she appeared weak against his bullying. She was actually the one playing him for once, and he shit the bed.
But it also reassures anyone hesitant about her ability to hold her own as a leader. Her real job was not coming off as a political hack from a desperate party. And instead she played him like a concert fucking pianist.
“Slow the testing down, please!”
…on the Democrat side and already deeply hate him.
Cool, so just how many wars is Russia trying to fight at the moment?
And yet I’m still seeing the Kamala Harris Boarder Czar ad, which 3 seconds of googling debunks.
…The FBI is flagged as Elon Musk? When did that happen?