If only it was just the public sector. I do agree with you, but the problem is cultural. It’s not just the government. None of the big or smaller corporations or companies are investing either.
If only it was just the public sector. I do agree with you, but the problem is cultural. It’s not just the government. None of the big or smaller corporations or companies are investing either.
IMHO, it missed the boat on everything to do with tech, and tech is basically 21st century capitalism. The only tech in Europe are secondary services like booking.com that ultimately depend on primary services (Google Search, Youtube, Facebook Platform, Twitter, …etc). I agree in large part with Varoufakis. Although he is “on the left” he has better investment sense than all the suits who control European capital.
Not planning to. I asked to try to gauge whether this was widespread behaviour.
The top leadership is all “degenerates” by their own standards. I find this particularly ironic, because one of the biggest points of contention between red and blue is whether to be accepting of weirdness. The red aren’t. But that doesn’t stop them from being just as weird. They are just in denial.
This process is already underway. The crux of the question, is what will happen to the whole very significant part of the Germany economy that is currently employed in service to local manufacturing? They will all need new jobs…