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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 15th, 2023


  • Revonult@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.worldIf Trump Wins
    23 days ago

    People keep acting like if we defeat him this election we are safe. Trump isn’t the mastermind behind all these horrible policy changes. He didn’t write “Project 2025”. He is just the populist figurehead. The GOP has gone off the deepend and very election cycle will just be another chance for them to implement their BS. In the mean time congress will delay progress until they get their chance in the WH again.

  • I argue that someone’s first Dark Souls run gives a viewer a great understanding of a person’s true personality and how they deal with difficult problems. Like watching my stubborn friend grind out fighting the titinite deamon by the blacksmith for 3 hours with an unupgraded spear really illistrated how stubborn he can be but also the dedication for self improvement. Your playthrough can also be self reflective. I found that I am quick to search for loopholes or cheese strats on hard bosses rather than put in the reps to learn it properly. I noticed I did the same thing in classes. Not cheating, but more like finding tricks and short cuts to make it work now rather than polishing basic skills and getting a deep understanding of the problem.

    Was very eye opening to me and made me realize that how and what someone plays can tell you alot about a person.