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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • I would recommend making the plans yourself so it can be exactly what you want. You can learn CAD like some others have mentioned, but pencil and paper is just as good for keeping track of dimensions.

    If your feeling adventurous and are careful enough, a bed is something you could probably build entirely without plans. They aren’t much more than a glorified box with two big ends and some little legs underneath. And, unless you make it out of tissue paper and twigs, your not likely to run into major structural concerns.

  • I know your looking for a straight answer, but questions like this don’t really have satisfactory answers due to them not being scientific questions. The definition of “best life” will be fundimentally different for everyone and the actual best life for each person will be consequently unique. You might define your best life as having lots of money or cars, while I define mine as acquiring and sharing knowledge and skills. Neither life is superior, just yours might suck for me and mine might seem tedious to you.

    That being said, given hypothetically infinite time, then everyone would logically get to live their defined best life at some point. However, because time has a definitive beginning (at least as we currently understand it) and is therefore not infinite, we would never be able to empirically know if we had reached peak life experience or if one of the infinite possibilities that never happened would have been better.

  • There is a critical difference between talent and skill. Talent is naturally understanding and being good at something quickly. Skill is something that can be acquired and honed to perfection regardless of talent.

    If you want to learn a new skill, just start doing it and stop being afraid of failing at it. In fact, the failures and fuck ups are the single greatest mechanisms by which your skills will improve.

  • A world in which everyone is able to freely pursue their interests and desires without constantly having to worry about their well-being or safety. A world untainted by incessant manipulation, greed, and narrow minded prejudice. A world with neigh unlimited access to education and information. Where ideas, beliefs, and scientific discovery can flow freely without political agendas or personal vendettas always getting in the way.

    Oh, and no more mosquitoes, billionaires, or people that talk in the theatre. They get a special place in hell.