This is my guess. Always set static in the device and in your router settings.
This is my guess. Always set static in the device and in your router settings.
Dunno. I don’t really get headaches. I wouldn’t buy.
I don’t know if it’s fully BS. It’s just another data point to add for the ahhkkksshhualllyy crowd imo. But pattern recognition I think has high importance in actual intelligence.
They simply want this. It’s the only logical scenario at this point. We need to primary every single Democrat that accepts corporate money tbh.
I have no clue the actual quality on this as I know nothing of woodworking. But it’s gorgeous! I can see the inspiration clearly. After just getting home from Universal studios a few days ago. It really feels like it would slot in for what you are aiming for!
Just like we can’t say Voldemort right? I dunno in reporting they should report what is said. Reporters should be asking. “What do you have an issue with. Diversity. Inclusion. Or equity? Don’t be shy get specific for me!” But they are all billionaires whores.
Nah. You can make friends at any age. Most of it comes down to showing interest in the person you want to befriend and asking them about themselves.
Imo as an ADHD person this world best for me. The hard part is finding the interesting person I wanna befriend. Most have happened casually through games or events. If you board game. Or pickle ball. Or shit join a cooking class. Good chance you’ll be interested in someone in the bunch.
Yeah. Was crafting a response to someone else’s comment. But yours basically sums up my thoughts. Dude is so incompetent. He either hired the right people to dodge his incompetent. Which probably takes insane genius. Lmfao or the people have such passion they work around the insane dude to achieve greatness for humanity. Which Elon tries to claim as his achievements. I’ve seen the reports from staffs at his companies. I wonder if any of them have ever baited and switched his ass with a fancy showboating meeting. Then just doing what they need to ignoring the entire showboat BS.
Thank you so much for the insightful post. This helped a lot.
I don’t even know what adjust your withholdings mean. America purposely keeps us stupid. Never have I been offered tax schooling or any thing once.
Correct. Really enraging behavior to see on display but Americans are mostly deeply selfish.
Same seems they deleted the article.
My best friend’s husband is also. Along with my dad. Both said they just wanted lowered taxes. I cannot begin to describe how intelligently fucking stupid these people are.
Yeah those commenters above you are insane to think he wouldn’t have won if the Dems fully backed him lol. We probably could have pulled some conservatives because his policies are so universally loved.
Fair edit lol
Nah. They made it to force a fake alternative reality for their supporters. Now they can start to hate DEI workers in their normal life!!! Yay!!!
This is a fair and valid assessment. Sorry for my callousness.
I take extreme issue with you claiming primarily. It is ALL on the military pilots. As you stated. They didn’t respond properly. Were in an area that was not allowed. And lied twice to air traffic control because of their lack of knowledge.
I just flew from Kansas to Florida. My first flight yesterday was delayed until this morning. They got me on a new flight. I flew to Minnesota. And then connected to a flight to Florida. Both of those flights were also delayed.
It’s already happening. I’m worried about the delays when I try to get home on Wednesday.
Confused what you mean.? I have a range of IPs for my servers and such IE And then the DHCP pool I set the servers IP static on its OS. And then set a static in my routers settings for the same IP I set in the OS. What is it that I would be doing incorrect in this setup?