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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Let me give you a little dose of realism.

    We are long past the point where voting in a presidential election can disrupt the status quo.

    Under the current circumstances, voting in the presidential can never be anything more than harm reduction. There are only 3 options when it comes to voting:

    1. Vote for Trump and accelerate the US decline to neofascism.

    2. Throw away your vote on a 3rd party candidate who will never - and could never - win, likely contributing to the decline since conservatives are considerably less likely to vote 3rd party.

    3. Vote for Biden to stave off the decline as much as possible while pursuing other means of affecting change.

    Even if a large enough number voted 3rd party to make Democrats take notice, the Democrats are not going to change in any meaningful way. The best they will give us is more of the same, paying lip service to leftist ideas while compromising with corporations and the right at every possible opportunity.

    If you want things to change in this country you need to protest, engage in direct action and mutual aid, unionize, and do everything you can think of to create and grow alternative institutions of power.

    Edit to include voting in primaries and voting local if you live in an area where that could possibly help.

  • At the moment Solarpunk is a somewhat small and not very well defined movement, but it’s slowly growing and coming into its own. It started as a call to writers to write more hopeful fiction about the future as a response to the disproportionate prevalence of dystopian fiction, chiefly cyberpunk.

    Here is a more comprehensive write-up about it. Solarpunk imagines a future where humanity finds a way to live in balance with nature, technology, and each other, with a heavy focus on being realistic, grounded, and attainable. Politically it’s very socially progressive, environmentalist, anticapitalist, and anti-authoritarian.