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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • The thing is, the Dems CANT abuse the power. If they do, they’ll get crucified by both sides for it. And that’s what the Republicans want. They’re simultaneously making it so they’ll stay in power when its their turn, and daring the Dems to do it knowing it won’t go well for them. Its a win-win in their eyes. Especially while you have some of your people sitting on the highest court in the country.

    And this is the flaw with a two-party system. If one party decides to play dirty, the other is either forced to play just as dirty to keep up, (devolving into anarchy) or trying to play by the rules and getting blocked by the other team at every turn.

  • I actually didnt know how to start the Jackett install from the guide I posted, so I just googled and tried following a guide. One of the first steps says sudo mkdir /home/ubuntu/jackett_config

    I get a “No such file or directory”. Makes sense, ubuntu isn’t this user’s name. So I change it to point to “/home/user/jackett_config” and get the same result.

    This is what usually stops me from proceeding further.

  • I’m actually diving into Linux and Docker for the first time right now, and the setup you described is exactly what I’m looking to do. But seeing as this is my first time. I was hoping I’d be able to get some confirmation of what my idea is or find faults with my setup.

    In terms of hardware I have on-hand, I’ve got two laptops. One of which is a half-top, meaning it has no screen. The other is my daily driver. Both are running Linux Mint.

    The half-top has 1TB of storage and would have Docker installed with Plex/Jellyfin, the *arr suite, and HomeAssistant. On my daily driver, I would be running Portainer or Heimdall to access everything and make changes within the half-top itself. I would also use this to access any of the media I have stored in the half-top.

    Does that sound like everything would work?

  • I think that’s the whole point. He knows Thomas won’t take the money. It’s not about the money.

    Oliver is just using the money as bait, so when Thomas says “I’m not taking the money because my job is about being just and whatever.”, he can fire back by pointing out everything that was discussed in the video.

    Best case scenario, Thomas takes the money and retires, then Biden appoints a Democratic-leaning judge to fill the spot and bring more balance to the Supreme Court.

    Worse (and most probable) case, Thomas ignores the offer for as long as possible. Pretends like it never happened. Then when someone eventually asks about it, he can play dumb or list whatever bullshit high-horse reasoning he wants, which Oliver can then point out the obvious hypocrisy and that’s that.