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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • So I can live with the maturity level of seeing two awful candidates and choosing not to choose either one. I feel like my own point still stands, that the distinction between fascism and genocide shouldn’t be a thing I have to choose to live with.

    I don’t like Trump, and I won’t be voting for him, but I also don’t like the precedents set by Biden in a few areas, and his inability to reign in the escalation in Gaza despite having the levers available to pull to immediately ease immense human suffering.

    If there was a candidate like say, Obama, available to vote for this would be easy and straightforward. A bumbling senile idiot/puppet or a hostile fascist dictator. Don’t lump me in with either of the massive pools of idiots that put us here. I’m proud to be outside of this.

  • How to piss off everyone at LW, watch:

    I am voting for neither. I’m going to match what I care about with a specific candidate, because I don’t like Trump or Biden. [/opinion]

    Now I’ll just sit and wait for the “you idiot” comments and the vitriol geyser to blow. This should be entertaining to watch people think my vote’s going to make a difference in the electoral college.

  • As I see it, he won the nomination. More people voted for him, and the super delegates fucked it all up. The party even admitted this back in 1982 that their intention is to prevent “outlier candidates” from securing a nomination. The Democratic Party is very undemocratic until we can toss superdelegates altogether. I say that, but it doesn’t appear to have worked for the Republican Party either, they just shrug and toss out all the votes regardless of who won in their caucuses. Look at Ron Paul in Iowa 2008, obviously won by a large enough percentage to eliminate the margin for error…but fuck it. Iowa’s Republican chair handed it over anyway and when the news was published he just “resigned” and the damage was already done.

    That sentiment that it scares them though, has happened before to BOTH parties. 1890 had both parties on the run as we were embroiled in shooting battles against law enforcement due to working conditions and pay.

  • As a resident of one of these towns, another issue is that many people who are knowledgeable or capable are simply trapped. Several years ago in the area I live we use to have an economic development council that sponsored some proposals on alternatives to the anchor industry here (coal fired power generation), I shit you not, one of the remarks made by the workshops was a reference to a 2017 WSJ article that stated "rural is the new ‘inner city.’”

    Rural areas have, and I’m quoting someone who presented at a workshop “lower economic status, lower education levels, higher wage gap, poorer health, higher rates of teen birth, and greater impacts from the opioid epidemic.”

    The largest obstacle facing the trapped knowledgeable and educated people in rural areas is the obscene fucking cost of housing and the double-negative we’re facing on having little equity and cheap housing, where we want to move somewhere desirable and progressive having housing that’s beyond our lifetime earnings potential.

    For the ignorant, this feeds into the anger cycle of wanting to just burn the whole thing down, and for the reds they look at every way they can fuck things up for the rest of us as a middle finger back at the country for the squalor they’re stuck with. They’d rather burn the forest down than try to fix anything, because they’re also lazy. Lazy in the sense of not wanting or accepting change. They’ll work hard at what they know, but learning new concepts is pushed against.

    That doesn’t make it right, and I agree with you on all counts. Unity would get them a hell of a lot farther than the same tired old Reagan rhetoric they peddle. I’m just extremely fortunate in threading the needle through economic transition and getting to stay at my house without worrying about having to move, and I don’t like the city after having grown up in the Bay Area California. What you said still resonates with me as I can tell you understand it. We have no action plan and no hope because these towns are full of people who would just rather be angry than change.