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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Central Virginia reason, so Hurricane Isabel, I think we lost power for like a week had a bunch of trees down. Hurricane Gaston, wasn’t as severe I don’t remember a lot of wind or power going out but it just dumped a ton of rain on the region b/c like it just move so slowly over the region. And then I just remember a hand full of snow storms that closed school for awhile, and I think like a really bad ice storm where we lost power for like a week or two. But Isabel by far the worst.

  • What’s This Rock and What’s This Fossil. I was actually getting really good at my mineral identifications, I would try guessing the mineral before opening the three to see if I got it right or not. The fossil one because sometimes you got to see some really cool stuff, other time hilariously, bad fossils made with mosasaur teeth. And the occasional flint arrow head or hand axe but we’re not in the scope of the subreddit but still cool anyway.

  • Franken did say, “I would have sworn that I’d never done anything to make anyone feel uncomfortable, but it’s clear that I must have been doing something.” That alone is reason enough not to call them liars. It’s clear that he admits he did something to make these women feel uncomfortable, but he himself at the time didn’t feel like there was any inappropriate actions at the time. Men are often oblivious to things they do that make women feel uncomfortable, trust me I know, been there before.

    Now, for why he hasn’t sued them for defamation? The burden is wildly different for public figures vs. private figures in the U.S. The bar for defamation is higher and harder to prove for political figures, to the point it’s almost impossible for politicians to prove, so they don’t even bother with it. Who knows though, with this Supreme Court I guess that’s subject to change now tbh.

  • Don’t worry, I found it.

    From Wikipedia:

    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer sent Tweeden’s accusations to the Senate Ethics Committee for review, a decision supported by members of both parties, including Franken.

    Although Franken had asked to be allowed to appear before the Senate Ethics Committee to give his side of the story, on December 6 Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer told him he had to announce his resignation by five o’clock or he could be censured and stripped of committee assignments.

    Got to love due process and justice for all.