• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Air moves as fast as the potential difference in pressure between where it is and where it wants to go. Also pressure has a direct relationship with heat as in the more under pressure a volume of air is the more hot it becomes.

    The potential difference between regular earth or spaceship atmospheric pressure and vaccum is relatively little so air flow is only subsonic when evacuated vaccum tubes break and exposed to normal atmosphere conditions.

    However if you go to the bottom of the ocean the pressure there is enough to cause implosions which create a kind of under water sonic boom as well as light radiation as the water rushes in to the vaccum faster than the speed of sound. The mantis shrimp even evolved this as a kind of defense by snapping its claws so fast it creates vaccum bubbles that implode which creates powerful shockwaves while producing light. Here’s a great video about that

    I dont know enough about aerodynamics to know about why supersonic planes dont glow. Maybe they do and its just in infrared. Hopefully someone else can chime in.

    Still that’s almost nothing compared to the pressures created around the body in this scenario which as the person calculated is surface-of-the-sun levels of pressure being instantly pushed on earthy atmosphere molecules. The forces created by the potential difference in pressure in this scenario could theoretically be enough to overcome the strong nuclear force binding the nucleus of air atoms.

  • Instantly moving any kind of mass in the context of physics means moving it super close to the speed of light (well actually, it would have to be faster than the speed of light for truely instant which opens up a can of worms all its own so lets just say really really close to instant, as close as the universe lets you get without inviting FTL time paradoxes) which would impart insane amounts of momentum energy that has to transfer to the air it pushes.

    That supercharged almost-speed-of-light air needs to go somewhere (unless were talking about the kind of teleportation where atoms get transposed into each other in which you just skip to the nuke step).

  • Worked over the summer, then after I got a 4 season canvas tent and have been staying in it past few months learning the ins and outs of offgrid life. Put my Electrical degree to use by building up a small solar system. Learned a hell of a lot about keeping yourself warm.

    Currently is been raining kind of hard and the ground isn’t absorbing water well since its cold so water has been seeping into the floor of my tent, obviously that’s not great so m current focus is on getting a platform built for the tent to go up on.

    After that I want to get a wood stove since heating with propane cost a little bit compared to finding free woof to burn, but I am worried that the smoke and smell would draw too much attention. May have to just live with propane until I get my own property that isnt fucked by an HOA but I REALLY want a wood stove just cause I think its rad as hell and our neighbors have a bonfire all the time so what’s the difference really. Maybe I’m worried over nothing and nobody would care really.

    My sibling burned their life down with some stupid bs and their kids ended up in the system so I’ve been kind of stuck helping my elderly parents through the foster/adoption process since may. Its been a massive headache and I didn’t get to go camping like I wanted to but sometimes doing the right thing means making sacrifices to your own self interest. Hopefully well have them by Christmas and I have enough cash left by spring to go camping before job hunting.