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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • My hope would be we would overthrow the ruling class

    By voting for the party that represents the ruling class’ interests and advances its agenda?

    my hope was for a leftist party in America, ranked voting and at least 5 competitive parties trying to attract voters, a removal of jerrymandering, senate votes in some way tied to population size

    That’s nice and all, but in a two-party system you can’t get any of that. Your choices are limited to the lesser evil and a bunch of fascists who want to turn the two-party system into a one-party system.

  • I understand your frustration, but again, that’s the nature of a two-party system. Your choice is between center-right and fascism. Adding more parties to the left of fascism just splits the vote and ensures fascist victory. Adding more to the right would be hard, since the Reps are pretty far right already. Though my hope for 2024 is that Trump get snubbed for the Rep nomination and makes his own party out of spite. I’d be pretty happy if that happened.

    Getting a party to change its ideology is hard but not impossible. The Reps and Dems switched platforms once already.

  • The NRA sways a lot of people with threats that the democrats want to “take their guns” but Republicans don’t hear that as a funny eye roll phrase. They 1000% think electing a Democrat is electing someone who will send the army to search their house and steal their property. They fully believe that is months from happening at all times.

    That’s my point precisely. These people keep believing that the Dems are about to seize their guns regardless of how many Dem administrations come and go without it happening, so there’s no point trying to persuade them or reason with them. (At this point one might draw some parallels with expecting the imminent second coming of Jesus, which is also a popular belief in these circles.) Even if a pro-gun leftist party were established, these people would just be fed propaganda that its pro-gun stance is a scam, and they’d buy it hook, line, and sinker and vote against it. These entrenched right-wing voters are beyond saving, and focusing on them is a waste of time and resources that would instead be better spent mobilizing the apathetic left-leaning masses.

  • Only about 30% of Americans own a gun, and only a fraction of those are single-issue Republican voters. Establishing such a left-wing party might put a dent in the Republican base, but it would sunder the Democratic one and ensure unopposed Republican rule likely in perpetuity (they’d just seize power; already they’re barely managing to keep the mask of democracy from falling off).

    The whole gun issue is a total distraction that does nothing other than galvanize the Rep base. The Dems should just avoid stirring the hornet’s nest and ignore it altogether.

  • It’s not my job to hold Republicans to task. It’s republican voters that do that.

    Oh also good luck holding democrats to anything after voting for them.

    And you think Republicans are going to have any more success with their representatives? It is your job to hold Republicans to task, by voting someone else in. And there’s only one other party that has any chance of success at that.

    At least with a real leftist party all of the “the LEFT!” Discourse won’t be about democrats anymore.

    It’s already not really about them. The Dems do only a fraction of what the conservatives accuse them of. The whining about “the left” is going to be based on a persecution fetish fantasy completely divorced from reality regardless of whether the left in America is the Dems and/or some other party.