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Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • This is Biden’s 6th presidential election run (Source, and he has been a confirmed liar since at least 1988 Source, long time racist (Source). I do not understand how people can say Biden is their “hold their nose” choice, especially when my choice Chase Oliver (Info) is nowhere as problematic and actually wants change, we have a chance to change the system, especially since I know few people personally that support Biden or Trump (and those few who do support a candidate usually support Trump, haven’t met a Biden supporter that didn’t have a multitude of disclaimers), and looking into either one only makes a person hate both more. Just remember Trump and Biden have both been asked to step down and they both selfishly said they would not budge for anything despite every poll showing that anybody but Harris could replace either of them and win, and they both specifically asked to be only ones allowed in a debate. They want you to only focus on the most selfish literal bottom of the barrel candidates.

  • Could you provide sources for points 2 and 3? The Trump admin actually tried to simplify all the programs into just two, standard and IBR (income based repayment like the SAVE plan) and allowed for processing of cancellations. That administration also managed to use their executive power to eliminate student loan debt for disabled veterans source. Since then Biden has managed to ignore legal advice and precedent to throw up his hands and say he can’t do anything for student loans. The same individual says he will stop Israel by never stopping them, it’s tiring to hear people still have any faith in his words when is whole history is talking out both sides of his mouth. He was cancelled from running for president in 1988 for being a liar NYT Video and yet if I say he is lying, everyone jumps down my throat.

  • Yeah I don’t meet many Biden supporters, literally all he had was that he was a change from Trump. Especially since he seems to manage to upset everyone, another perfect example is immigration. Older voters are accusing him of allowing a “Venezuelan Mariel boatlift” (The emptying of Castro’s jails) to occur at the southern border. Voters my age are wondering why DACA is still temporary and backlogs for legal pathways are crazier than ever (May have been Covid but many areas went from less than 24 month processing times(ludicrous enough) to years in some cases a decade for processing since Biden took over). Younger Voters are asking why if keeping kids in converted offices under Trump was wrong why did Biden have people living under bridges at the border then start busing them across the country to be homeless. And now even the establishment backing him is like well he went too far in negotiating, but only because he had to while still having nothing to show but loss of good will. Yeah this is the guy to get people excited about. And whats his biggest competition? Oh the guy who actually managed to close the border, and whose attempts at cementing DACA required the same concession Biden so willingly offers now. Like please run anybody else, you can’t polish Biden into a jewel.