And though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend, I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Hello and welcome! I didn’t see a couple things mentioned that I thought were very helpful to me with the instance choosing, so I just wanted to pass it along…

    If you look at your account kinda like an email, all the emails can communicate with each other, just like the instances can communicate. Though, an instance can also block another so thay it can not be seen/interacted with. Like, gmail deciding they will no longer accept yahoomail, for example.

    .ml has been blocked by a variety of others, so you may be missing out on some interests elsewhere, that you would enjoy.

    I use an app and have a few different accounts, the app lets me just swap my sign in profiles back and forth as I like. Sometimes a server goes down or an update goes bad. Having another account let’s you check in on the action, on those who are still up and running while the other gets worked on. You can even use the same name, your @ will just change.

    Initial sign up is roughest step really… but not much harder than grabbing a new email!

    OK, that was more than a couple, hopefully something was helpful though and helps your experience here!

  • I came back here to see if there were new additions, since I came across the post early on. I also really enjoy funk, with a favorite being Primus, well, anything Les Claypool really (His stuff with Sean Lennon, much more …trippy rock?, with Claypool Lennon Delirium, still excellent). They are a really heavy lil corner of the funk/rock spectrum though.

    I am def going to check out some bubblegum funk now, it sounds like it should be an opposite spectrum sound experience!

    So, thank you for allowing me to suckle on your presence a bit?

  • I lived there for almost a decade, about a decade and a half ago. It was so run down and dying then. People wouldn’t come see us there that we had known all our lives because it was so dangerous. Pizza places wouldn’t deliver down our street, we would have to walk to the main corner to get delivery. We paid a crack head to watch our house while we were away for a weekend.

    I was in disbelief back when I heard about the factories deciding to build there after we had up and left… finally, after barely scraping enough together from living and working there. I wondered how they would fare but didn’t follow up on it then.

    I researched and verified everything you said above, and informed some other family on Fb, that was trying to stir the shit. They would hear none of it.

  • I’m thinking, if you got to have fun, minding your own business… not hurting anyone; No matter how much you may have grown or changed and no longer like or approve of doing those activities, you don’t get to be part of a brigade that strips the rights from people who DO choose to and again, aren’t hurting anyone. You don’t get to incite violence against people who are Minding Their Own Fucking Business without the bare minimum of getting exposed for being a fucking hypocritical piece of shit.

  • Thankfully never, not sure how I would have recovered from that one! Did catch it pretending it was on fire a few times. It was alerting the local FD our alarms were triggered when on site, it was quiet an no burning was going on. They called a couple different times about it and even showed up once… in case I was lying? Bet safe than sorry I guess.

  • And if I just whip a gun out and shoot everyone who espouses this shit, it won’t take very long for me to be shot or jailed myself. And, now it is proof to them that the other side IS out to get them and their fairy in the sky. Changes nothing for the better in the political hellscape but, does ruin my families lives. I do not want violence to be the answer. But, if it has to be, unless there is a tight movement against these holy dingbats, it’s just a useless sacrifice to jump and go ballistic on them. As much shit as I’ve seen on here with extreme left saying the only answer is violence back, I have not seen anyone working towards that in the real world. What, everyone is waiting for someone else to get started? Or, we really are not has homicidal as they are and prefer to logically come to a conclusion?