I get the blue and green ones (police and military), the red ones are for firefighters, right? To steal a phrase, nobody ever said fuck the fire department.
I get the blue and green ones (police and military), the red ones are for firefighters, right? To steal a phrase, nobody ever said fuck the fire department.
No, see, the spoiler effect, a well-documented phenomenon, isn’t real and is just a lie to keep people from voting for third parties, who are super for real going to affect anything positively this time! It’s your fault for not abandoning the only party with a chance to win against the fascist party in favor of checks notes Cornel West, a candidate so unserious he declared his party affiliation with the People’s Party (a bunch of definitely not grifters featuring such intellectual titans as Jimmy Dore and Jesse “the Body/Mind” Ventura) only to immediately switch to the Green Party, only to immediately switch to Independent. Math isn’t real and I’m very smart.
No, see, passively continuing policy while trying to rachet it back when you realize how unpopular something is with your base is exactly the same as active hostility and escalation, fully justifying my refusal to participate in the system. I’m very smart.
Alternatively, “Hi, I’m with the fire department and I would like to buy your on-fire house. Take this deal now, because the price is only going down!” But yeah, they probably said fuck this specific fire brigade two thousand years ago lol