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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023


  • This is why American politics are so fucked. We can’t even have a discussion about how we ended up in this position by looking back 9 years. How in the hell can we put context to what happened to the labor movement in the 1950s and how it applies to modern day struggles if we have to be so tunnel visioned into right now? How can we examine why the BLM protests fizzled with only a few cities making minor material changes, when the activism of the civil rights movement lasted over a decade?

    This isn’t whining, this is looking at the context of the current moment and urging people to do something other than vote. Vote or don’t vote I honestly don’t care at this point, all I could do was laugh at the news today everything is so absurd, but if you’re out here and the only thing you’re doing is voting and urging others to do the same you’re apart of the punchline.

  • He can’t even stay on topic because the issue at hand doesn’t impact him. In his mind airports are the biggest issue to the American voter because he is dealing with it constantly while campaigning.

    And that’s ignoring the rhetoric. It would be funny if this wasn’t the existential threat it was.

    The only thing standing in the way of this sundowning narcissist fascist is a sundowning hubristic imperialist. At least he will try his best. 😮‍💨

  • Any idiot worth their salt is going to have prepared questions for the guest, and many times, they’re going to be giving their guest either A) a general idea of those questions, or B) a list of acceptable questions.

    And again, this detracts from the conversation at hand because the topic is about the inverse, the guest giving the prepared questions to the host. At that point it’s not an interview, but a press conference disguised as one.

    When the point of the interview is damage control for his ability to think on his feet, do you understand how it doesn’t accomplish the goal of damage control, regardless of the current campaign culture?

  • So uh, I went to school for audio production, while I didn’t pursue that career path all of my friends from college are currently in the AV industry, senior AV admins for companies ranging from Amazon to radio. I have a personal recording setup that I am teaching my daughter Reaper with. I have an intimate understanding of what it takes. ROFL at you listing pricing as if that is relevant to the conversation at hand.

    Is my understanding of your point that it’s very hard to manage interviews, so much so that if you have the opportunity to interview the President of the United States you need assistance planning the questions because of your oh so busy schedule? The more you talk the less credible your argument becomes.

    Also 95% of what you typed out doesn’t matter in a professional setting as the person doing the interview is not the producer or the engineer. Just utterly irrelevant.