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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 22nd, 2024


  • The Supreme Court must be impartial regardless of legislative and executive political mudslinging of the time. That’s the whole point of different branches of government.

    If SCOTUS made the decision after seeing Trump and Biden debate, or knowing Republicans will control both houses, then they aren’t doing their job as they should. There’s a reason why juries are encouraged not to watch TV or media that would cloud their decision, and the same should apply to judges.

    People forget the bloody whole point of checks and balance!

  • Trump is a far bigger Israel supporter, considering he ordered to move the American embassy to Jerusalem when he was president, which is a big no-no to any other US presidents before.

    I agree on the second paragraph but that’s virtually every where on earth. People are sick of the lock downs, which is understandable as there are people having been furloughed and businesses losing money, and not to mention the effect on mental health. Even China, whose people are passive to authoritarian structure, had major protests condemning the zero-COVID policy; which by the way, experts also say does not work as much as the gradient restrictions does not.

  • I can’t fucking believe this is still even a debate.

    I might be reading into it too much, but I think even if the Supreme Court did the right thing and prosecute Donald Trump, the first spark has been struck towards the burning fascist fire in America. The AskHistorians podcast drew plenty of similarities and parallel between the prelude to fall of the Roman Republic and the rise of Trump and January 6 insurrection. There were many times when the Roman Republic was under threat even before Julius Caesar came into scene but had been mitigated. However, corruption by the elites had been getting worse and populist anger had been piling up until it could not be contained anymore and thus the decline of Roman Republic was inevitable. This seems to be the case with USA at the moment. Trump is a buffoon and could be prosecuted. But someday, someone more intelligent than him could erode American democracy for good. Trump only set the precedence and spark, and a calculating demagogue could learn from Trump’s mistakes…

  • I don’t know about that. I know millenials and Gen Z are screwed over from owning homes, but historically, American youths just don’t vote. I got down voted in my first comment but I have statistics to back it up if anyone actually cares to Google voter turnout in American elections since the 1960s.

    Even back then, youths don’t vote in larger turnout than older folks. It is curious, consider that the youth population from 40-60 years who did not vote, now make up the most important voter demographic of elder and pensionable population. So, what gives? That’s food for thought, and there is something telling about the American society if the youth population from back then don’t vote in significant numbers, as they still don’t now.

  • Other countries, especially those in Europe, have way younger politicians on average than in the US, even though Europe has faster ageing population than Americans. It’s just that American youths are apathetic. I’m sorry to say this but we young people whine but don’t actually do anything. You don’t like the candidates running from both parties? Mobilise and start a grassroots campaign to present viable alternatives who are not from either Democratic or Republican parties. It’s not like there were no third party that were elected before in local elections. Majority of Americans actually identify as independent, but are silenced by the noisy partisan sides. People only lack political will.

  • It’s funny to see that some online commenters, including progressives, would happily point out what’s wrong with society and welcome the proposed most sensible solutions. But when it comes to placing mandatory retirement age for politicians, these commenters would quickly object and say age doesn’t matter so long as the person could perform the job well. And these same people are also happy with keeping the minimum voting age at 18 years old and the minimum age to become eligible for POTUS at 35. If age doesn’t matter to these objectors, they should also be open to lowering the age to vote and become president of USA. It says a lot that these objectors are old people themselves.