• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Not really. The money is going to American workers producing military hardware. Most of that is the US upgrading to new equipment and giving away the old for a low price.

    This sounds like right wing fox news style nonsense IMO.

    When an authoritarian dictator invades a foreign country, there is one giant overwhelming lesson about what happens when others act passively or appease the criminal. This simple fact should slap anyone a hundred miles down the road for suggesting appeasement is a sound policy. This only ends with the end if Putin, much like the Nazis only ended with the end of Hitler. Anything less will result in WW3 as a guaranteed outcome. It will be more one sided. The entire Russian GDP is less than just the state of Texas. But it will be nuclear and era ending, likely with the majority of surviving humanity in the southern hemisphere.

    If anything, we should be giving Ukraine absolutely anything they want right now. Let them win before we have to go over there and start dying to stop Putin somewhere halfway across Europe. Putin has proven he will never stop trying to conquer. He is the new Hitler. He keeps power by force and what he has called ‘convenient idiots’ that follow whatever misinformation they are given. It is a propaganda misdirection scheme to talk about things out of context like saying military spending in Ukraine is somehow on the US tax payer. This is completely wrong and intended to provoke people that can’t look at an issue and think for longer than the headline.

  • It’s no freaking mystery anywhere. Kids are too damn expensive because just living is too damn expensive. The real fix is massive land reform that absolutely murders the real estate bubble with a nuclear bomb. Regulate the availability of funds directly to the minimum wage. You work, you live a decent life with a good balance. Build dense housing with tight local communities and perfect transportation so we’re always in contact with people in our communities. Babies will be popping up like weeds.

    An article about one of the poorest European countries is not really relevant. They don’t have the same zoning stagnation nonsense that makes housing unaffordable. The stupid incentives that exploded home loan amounts combined with 100 years without zoning reforms are the problem.

  • The first fix is to regain control of the rhetoric amongst ourselves. We need a mass movement to dominate the entire sociopolitical conversation. The real power is in the human tendency to gravitate to the same topics and towards the sensational/controversial. We need to outright reject all of the inflammatory nonsense by going meta every time. Never talk about the subjects themselves. Make every conversation about the underlying manipulation and distraction. People like the blood emerald African space Karen can not be allowed to dominate the social sphere. The entire world culture average atmosphere must pushed back. Right now, we are being lead about in chains visiting a prescribed list of dog piles to shove our noses in. The dog shit is not the problem; it’s the person holding the chains. Every morning we choose who gets to hold the chains. We like our noses shoved in dog shit so much we run back to it every day without realizing we are giving the chains to the problem person every time.

  • We really need to crush the parasitic billionaire problem that funds the right and leverages convenient idiots of the world by stoking their prejudice and hate. There will always be some innocent whipping boy to toss in a camp. Pitchfork politics is never about the victims it is about controlling the conversation and distraction. Like in the USA, the only reason for the stupidity is to prevent closing the loopholes that enable the corrupt oligarchy. No one can investigate and make reasonable laws when they are confronted by a constant barrage of absurd nonsense. It just needs to be so inflammatory that no one can dominate the conversation with the message I’m posting now to regain any sense of rational control. The USA has 10% of the laws and protections of any other western nation. This is why the parasites exist, what they are funding, and what is being exported world wide. Russia proved that power is all about leveraging the convenient idiots. Australia and Japan have solved this issue already. Anyone with tens of billions of dollars is a worthless subhuman criminal.

  • It’s corruption at every level. Like, people keep talking about whatever stupid thing the toxic clowns of the Republican party are doing. The whole point is to ensure no effective laws are passed. It is not about the clown politics it is about maintaining the insignificant tiny set of laws and protections in the USA. The US has a tenth of the laws present in any western country. This is the whole point. Keep the laws ineffective and inadequate to exploit every possible person and loophole by any means necessary. The only thing that matters is controlling the conversation and holding the government hostage to a constant ddos attack. If anything gets deregulated or changed for the worse it is just a bonus side effect for the parasitic billionaires.