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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Yes Sunak failed dismally as a leader. Though there are other factors at play as well. He inherited a poisoned chalice, due to the several factors, some of which were:

    • The Tories had been in power for too many years, and were at the end of the natural cycle of power that occurred in the parliamentary system.
    • The decisions of some of his incompetent predecessors that hung over him (especially those of Liz Truss).
    • The rise of nationalism/extreme right wing politics, and UKIP/the Reform party eating into the Tory voter base (which has been happening for many years but has escalated in recent years).

    He did, however, manage to expedite his own political demise with his clueless detachment from what regular citizens are dealing with and the aftermath of Brexit (which his party was mostly responsible for).

  • I’m pretty sure I know what his play book said, based on his career up to this point…

    Step 1: be a total shitheel in college so everyone there hates you.

    Step 2: enter politics through family connections, but make sure to lie about your name so you sound more Caucasian and win over your racist voter base.

    Step 3: grandstand so much over stupid shit that you become the target of meme conspiracies.

    Step 4: run for the presidency against a vindictive, malignant narcissist conman. Make sure to disparage him at every turn to try to make yourself look better.

    Step 5: grovel and ingratiate yourself into abject humiliation to said vindictive malignant narcissist conman when he beats you to the party nomination and unleashes political hell on you (and calls your wife ugly).

    Step 6: become despised by your own children for continuing to be a total shitheel and a failure of a parent.

    Step 7: run away to Cancun during an emergency and when your constituents need you most. Side note: make sure to drag your kids there with you in case it makes them hate you any less. (Spoiler alert: they will just hate you even more for doing that, but oh well!)

    Step 8: align yourself with the lunatic fringe of your party, even though they despise you and mock you behind your back.

    Step 9: cling on desperately to your current political office for the rest of your pathetic career, knowing you have already peaked and that nobody outside some gullible constituents currently or will ever like or respect you.

  • I don’t have a direct answer to your question. But I advise caution in putting your creative works online in the way you are planning. Between people plagiarizing it (either word for word or just the broader concepts) and AIs doing similar things, you could find that your work gets stolen.

    Self-publishing might at least give you a bit of inherent copyright protection. Then at least you will have an ISBN associated to it, and you can always host your stories somewhere (WordPress, Medium, etc.).

    If you want to self-publish your stories a free service like Smash Words would work.

  • Their convention sounds like a gathering of incels looking to implement Gilead, just so they can get laid.

    NatalCon’s emphasis on childbirth notwithstanding, there are very few women in the cavernous conference room of the LINE Hotel. The mostly male audience includes people of all ages, many of whom are childless themselves.

    It’s just another permutation on the ‘quiverfull’ evangelical doctrine, but weaponized for alt-right politics.

    Because what a world facing a climate crisis really needs is more demand for the already stressed supply.

  • I like this article’s sentiment, but realistically it’s wishful thinking. Trump will still be the GOP presidential candidate November.

    We’re too far along in the primary process, there’s too much obstruction in the courts, and there are too many people who are convinced he’s their messiah (for some inexplicable reason) for him to drop off the ballot now. And let’s face it, he’s been ranting incoherently and breaking the law for 8+ years now and it only seems to energize his base.

    I hope I’m wrong. But I highly doubt I am.