• 2 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2024


  • worried about “eroding our democratic system”

    Something a Trump presidency has proven to do wonders for and something that Trump has espoused a deep desire to protect.

    Democracy itself is on the line. The man Stein is working to get into office incited a violent coup attempt on the US Congress, tried to steal the election in multiple ways, eroded institutions and norms left and right, and has expressed that he wants to make sure people never have to vote again which is entirely possible if he’s given another four years inside the Oval Office. I’m defending it because I actually understand what’s at stake here and that politics isn’t a stupid game. People in the US will die. People in Gaza will die. People in Ukraine will die. People’s lives – especially those of the poor, the middle class, and ethnic and sexual minorities – will be ruined. The US will take decades to recover if it ever even starts recovering at all.

  • Wow, 143 elected offices is massive. Such prestigious positions as “Neighborhood Council”, “Conservation District”, “Town Commission”, “Planning Group”, “Park Commission” (Pawnee reference??), “Select Board”, “Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate”, “Water District Board of Commissioners”, “School Committee”, “Advisory Neighborhood Commission”, and gasp what’s this? The mayor of a California town of 22,000 people? Why if all of them banded together and moved to Connecticut (and somehow became popular with the residents there), they could collectively make almost 77% of an entire Connecticut General Assembly and literally no other offices including mayorships, governorships, all of the other state legislatures and the federal legislature, and all the god-knows-how-many positions in local governments.

  • Look at their comment history. Joined almost exactly a year ago, had maybe 5-ish comments. Then a month ago, Harris replaces Biden giving Democrats a solid chance at the presidency, and suddenly they now have around 200 comments, every single one of them being in /c/politics and promoting Jill Stein and conflating Kamala Harris with Republicans (e.g. calling her voters “BlueMAGA”).

    I don’t care if it’s their intended goal or not; the actual effect of their rhetoric is “I want enough leftists to throw their vote away to a Russian plant so the US elects a fascist into office.”

  • >Third-party fringe candidate who gets less than 1% of the vote having dinner with Putin, Trump’s national security advisor who was later arrested for lying to the FBI about his ties to Russia, and several major Russian political figures before an election in which Russian interference provably helped Trump win.

    >The US president acting in an official capacity and meeting with the leader of a major world power.

    “They’re the same picture.”

    Boy, Russian bots Jill Stein stans are really tripping over each other to see who’s the biggest, dumbest idiot, aren’t they?