These are the same people who (would have) voted for Hitler because they were mad at the The Weimar Republic (liberal democratic republic) for one reason or another to send a “message” and then after either loosing everything or were killed during WWII (many by the party they voted for) afterwards said “How could of this happened” Hold your nose and vote for Kamala or don’t complain when Trump is your Lord and Master.
I love Bernie, he is one of my favorite politicians but thinking he would have won is fantasy just like Kamala was. Do you know why Obama won twice? because he has charisma, the “it” factor like a superstar. Something some people are born with, it’s like they vibrate with an energy that many people gravitate towards.
Sadly and I hate to admit it, but Rump has “it”, I know it’s a shitty evil version but even some good people were blinded by it (although this has shown me there are a lot more stupid/evil people in this country than I imagined)
Politics is mostly a popularity contest sadly instead of policy, they should really call it Poplitics. I believe there is one among us who will rise up sometime in the next four years with this gift to continue the never ending universal fight of good versus evil if we don’t all die in a Nuclear Armageddon or civil war by then.
p.s. The DNC needs to burn to the ground and the ashes need to be vaporized.