Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

I’m someone’s favorite.

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023

  • Honestly, this right here is the main reason I don’t believe any real-world bending would end any way other than Earth Kingdom dominance. Peaceful dominance, hopefully.

    You can’t wipe out their infrastructure as long as someone is alive who knows how it’s done.

    Oh, fire nation bulldozed your house because they felt like it? Well boom. Stomp stomp punch. New identical house made of stone.

    Bridge collapsed to cause chaos? Stomp stomp punch, it’s back.

    Don’t feel safe living out in the open where fire nation scouts could murderhobo you harder than my last D&D group? Stomp stomp punch, now you have a vast mansion underground in which you can simply… Not go above ground until you need to.

    Of course, underground living isn’t simple as “hole in ground, hide all day” but still… There is 0 reason the EK shouldn’t go full Vietnam War tactics.

  • There’s an insane amount of overlap of “those degenerate druggies deserve to rot in prison for life” and “weed should never have been illegal and we should legalize it” around where I live.

    In fact, the thing that brought it to my attention in the first place was a family friend and I talking about people we knew in highschool, and he mentioned how one guy got arrested for having “half a dozen” (sidenote: I feel saying half a dozen is trying to make “six” sound more impressive) pot plants and obviously was a “major dealer”, and how he never would have guessed how evil some people are from how they were in highschool.

    I asked him what ELSE he had to get 10 YEARS and of course the answer wasalong the lines of “no, that was it but what more do you need? Obviously a messed up guy”

    And would you like to know why I called him a hypocritical piece of shit and decided to find someone else to talk to?

    He pulls out a thc vape several times while we’re talking. You can’t mistake that smell for anything else.

    I guess what makes men TRULY evil is whether mild thing they’re doing is currently illegal or not. When it’s legalized? Smoking is totally fine. When it’s illegal? Smoking is bad and you are evil for even considering it. Know your place, Peasant.

    At least that’s the vibe I got from that guy.

  • I don’t understand how anyone can see someone who was appointed by one of the people involved in the case, and stands to benefit further if said person wins the case, is not a conflict of interest.

    I’ve seen lawyers drop a case over a distant family member they haven’t spoken to in decades having once lived with the sitting judge in college. Something that as far as I can see has no bearing on current events at all.

    I’ve seen locals get angry at a judge because they were seen eating in the same restaurant as someone involved in a case, on different sides of the building. With the partitions and seating arrangements, it’s likely neither of them even knew the other was there until someone pointed it out.

    But this is totally fine. It’s fine. Everything’s fine. We’re all fine here, now. Thanks.

    How are you?