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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2024


  • And all the conspiracy theories and vile attacks are on brand for MAGA. Now a growing part of the Dem supporters act in the same way as the MAGA crowd.

    Also i cannot help but remember someone who posted a quote form 1984 the other day:

    “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

    This is where we are at for people making up all sorts of BS why Biden messing up his speeches, walking in the wrong directions and being blitzed out on stage is somehow not signs of an old men with dementia.

  • Don’t change horses.

    When the horse is dead you will not ride anywhere with it, period.

    At least since half a year serious people talk about the fact that Biden is becoming too old for office and shows dementia. The DNC had a good year and quite frankly they should have already planned Bidens succession the moment he got into office. It was clear on Jan 6 that they need a new generation that can inspire and has the strength to fight against the Reps.

    Now with every week passing Biden will show more and more that he is an old man whose mental capacities are diminishing at an alarming rate. Staying on this horse is a guaranteed win for the Republicans. Heck, even if Biden was voted in, he’ll die of natural causes or become a vegetable within the next year. This will be a prime moment for the Reps to tear apart whatever Dem administration would try to emerge from that.

    The only solution is a change of generation in the DNC. The old cabal will hand the nation over to fascism otherwise.

  • I do not life in the US. However because of US hegemony and my country being a suck up to the US i have to follow what is going on there.

    But in case there is any doubt. The country i live in, which is Germany is corrupt and authoritarian with a complicit public and private media as well as the “center” parties moving further to the right and helping fascism rise faster than ever before. The “liberal” middle class are to a large extent just self delusional racists and the country will become a fascist hellhole in the next ten years.

    So if you have the opportunity, please help spread awareness about all the shit happening here too.

  • Nope. Israel cannot bomb Egypt without starting a major war.

    Israel bombed the Gazan side of the crossing, destroying the roads and making it unpassable for trucks. Also Israel killed two Egyptian soldiers when taking over the crossing.

    Dude Israel literally defied a UN Security Council resolution from Biden to stop the war. What the heck are you smoking?

    As the US continued to send billions in bombs to Israel and will soon host Netanyahu despite the ICC seeking him as war criminal. You know that the UN resolutions only work if the powerful countries enforce them? Guess who would have to enforce it by just not sending weapons. But he still does. Judge actions, not words.

  • Again you are attacking people proclaiming they would be doing nothing, when you know absolutely nothing about them, simply because they voice a different opinion to yours. But given how you avoided the question you create the impression that you in fact are doing nothing except from insulting people online.

    Also your blissfull ignorance to the racial component of your allegations make me believe that you are a white upper class american who wants minorities to play by your ball as a Trump win would mildly inconvenience you. Meanwhile people who actually face threats from a Trump presidency also speak out against Biden because they understand that the US political system is there to genocide all non white people.

    But the white liberal being a racist in disguise is something we now since the civil right movements.

  • So what do you do? Because you claim that everyone who will not vote for Biden and is announcing that would be doing nothing. Which is not only a very crass assumption to make, also with how you relate it to Palestine and claiming people would be part of a manufactured outrage you are either showing that genocide is not an important issue to you or even worse you deny others people outrage over genocide to be sincere. Especially with how understandably people most outraged and worried are of racialized communities this adds racists overtones to your statement. Now maybe that was not your intention in which case it is a good chance for you to reflect on it.

    So what are you specifically doing aside from voting and insulting people on the internet?

  • You know what would minimize genocide? If US politicians would have to face repercussions for helping in it. You do the opposite you grant the blanket check to the Biden administration and ensure them that no matter how much they support genocide, you will vote for them.

    You are enabling it and you probably know it subconsciously, which is why you try to spin it the other way around because you don’t want to face the reality of your actions.

    The only thing the Dems care about is power, just like the Reps. If you would threaten them to loose their power, they would be forced to act on this matter. Instead you reassure them that they have nothing to fear from you. And the most absurd thing is, this will not only fuck the people in Palestine more, it will also fuck you, as nothing you want politically will matter. You are telling the Dems that they dont need to fight for your vote. You are telling them to ignore your needs, your positions, your values.

  • They dont send food because Israel blocks it. In fact the aid to Gaza on land is mainly coming through Jordan and then gets pillaged by Isareli terrorists supported by the government. When Egypt wanted to send humanitarian aid in November through Rafah crossing, Israel bombed it repeatedly.

    Meanwhile the US is literally supplying the very weapons that are murdering the people in Gaza. And even when the US claims to provide humanitarian aid, like with that Pier they built it ends up in reality being used to facilitate massacres like in Nusereit, using aid trucks as disguise for Israeli genocide forces.

    I don’t know what you are smoking, but it most be strong if you believe Israel could act without the massive support and endorsement by the US government. Israel is primarily to blame as they are directly committing the genocide and then comes the US as the are delivering the weapons and providing diplomatic cover, even threatening international courts that want Israeli war criminals to face justice.

  • Trump pulled more troops out of the Middle East than Biden and Obama. Clinton ran in 2016 on a platform of going to war with Iran.

    Also the goal is not to reward Trump. The goal is to punish the support for genocide so American politics stop supporting genocide. The fact that two geriatric genocide supporters are your choices for the presidential election should bring everyone sane to the streets and push for the long overdue change of the political system. By keep voting Democrats purely based on “well they are not Trump” you get exactly what you got the last 30 years. Getting fucked by both parties, the Dems moving further and further to the right and the Reps enjoying many of their policies enacted by the Dems themselves. Look at Trumps border wall. Look at mass deportations. Look at the internment camps were children are separated from their families. All continued and expanded on by the current Dem administration.