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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Yes, the first half definitely sounded like the beginning of a death announcement. I’m guessing they did that intentionally to point out his age and make us associate him with old age. They’ve been making lots of money off of Biden and Trump relating to age and whether someone so old is fit for office.

    I, personally, don’t care about age. I care about values, performance, and ability to carry out the duties of the office. Bernie certainly aligns with my values, and has performed well in his terms. If he continues to have the cognitive abilities he has demonstrated, I’d support him until term limits were passed.

  • In many elections, that would be reasonable. The difference here is Trump. We have not had a president who so blatantly breaks the law with the level of support he has while his supporters either willfully ignore it or even support it.

    So few thought he had a chance to be the Republican nominee in 2016, including Hillary’s campaign. Then, he stomped all of the other Republicans. Still, people he had no chance of winning the general election, and he won. While it is clear he hates learning of any kind (as evidenced by appointing Betsy DeVos, his inability to pay attention to briefings, etc.), his campaign has had opportunities to learn what works and what doesn’t. If the opposition is not unified on ONE candidate against Trump, Trump will win. The consequences of that are too dire, and this we gotta eat the white bread with Kraft singles sandwich. It’s better than the diarrhea sandwich people keep pointing to.

  • In general, yes, run a candidate that is popular with voters. You can’t do that this year. No one who is unknown would have the time to get enough traction to beat Trump. No one who is well known is liked enough to motivate people to get to the polls.

    I don’t think people are saying don’t criticize Biden or don’t criticize the system that resulted in Biden being president the first time and a candidate the second time. By all means, criticize away. He could be worse, sure, but he could be so much better.

    What I think people are saying is that when you are comparing Biden and Trump, it’s important to point out that while both are not ideal, one is way worse. People who aren’t paying attention to the level they should will be less motivated to show up to the polls if they just think “everybody sucks.” Biden isn’t great, but Trump is a criminal scumbag who wants to let others strip us of our rights so that he can play king.

  • Again, what if they hadn’t crossed all of their t’s and dotted all of their i’s for that one charge? Look at all of the stunts he has pulled so far. There’s a lot that goes into making charges stick. This is how the justice system works for big cases, not just for Trump. You’re right about him being free all this time, though. That was an injustice against the American people. If most people did what he did, we would have been waiting in jail. That’s where his money and influence really aided him. Although, putting him in jail may have caused his supporters to try again, and in far greater numbers, to bring down democracy. That’ll probably happen anyway, but him being free has delayed that inevitability.

    Anyway, I’m not suggesting we have to like how it has unfolded. I am suggesting that if it had happened some other way, it had a good chance of failing or leading to the fracturing of our democracy.

    Many changes need to be made to prevent this from happening again. He’s a buffoon and his tactics are obvious to everyone except his biggest supporters. It’s almost better that he has done this and exposed many of the flaws in the system, because a competent person would have been successful and wrested power during the last presidential election and there wouldn’t be another this year.