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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 2nd, 2023


  • Well in this case it’s not really about the fact that they’re Belgian. Because unlike China there is a big separation between state and corporation here. It’s more the fact that it’s only two private concerns which is hardly competition.

    Also, due them being based abroad the local legislation has less grip on them. The exact country they’re from is indeed less important as long as it can be considered friendly.

  • Media ownership by foreign countries is indeed a worry.

    Even in Holland we have this problem: 90% of the media companies (newspapers, magazines, websites) are owned by only two Belgian mediaconcerns. This is not a smart thing to do. But we never hear about that here.

    Not that there’s an explicit problem at the moment but such a huge imbalance is not smart IMO.

  • But this, in fact, is what actual war looks like these days: Sometimes it’s a volley of 300 missiles and drones, and sometimes it is lean, targeted, and carried out covertly. Gone are the days of vast conquering armies and conventional military confrontations between two parties.

    So, like what’s happening in Ukraine right now?

    I mean they use drones for some deep strikes causing minor damage but most of the actual advancement is made using artillery and boots on the ground.

  • The problem about doomism is that it promotes inaction in the less educated “because things are fucked anyway”.

    To be honest I think the doomers are right, not because there isn’t still time to fix most of it (there probably is) but because the political will to actually do it isn’t there. Which is an uphill battle because the more we delay the more drastic measures are needed which require even more political will to actually do. Those two things are getting ever more out of sync. The political will has been slowly increasing but not as fast as as the urgency and need for measures.

    But the sentiment that results from doomism makes this political will even worse.

  • This is not news at all. In fact it was sent every single time until something broke in Apple’s validation servers and nobody could launch any app a few years ago. That brought this whole phenomenon to light and Apple changed it to reporting once per week. Edit: Ah I see this is also an old article. That makes sense now.

    However they should just send a blacklist to each system obviously. That’s a much more privacy-conscious method. Their stated goal is to be able to block malware, but there can’t be that many.

  • Withholding votes no, but IMO the American voting system (at least at a national level) seems pretty broken to me. FPTP, the weird bias to rural areas etc.

    Really it should be changed so that it doesn’t always result in this eternal standoff between the two major parties.

    Ireland, Australia and New Zealand dumped FPTP and were better for it. It’s just that the US has this kind of romantic idealism about the original founders, as if they were always right and their ideas still hold as much merit in this day and age of voter influencing through digital means, so I don’t really see it happening there. But it should, in my opinion.

    Right now it seems like every major election is choosing between bad and worse there and voting for an outsider is just a lost vote.

    In that sense I can understand the reluctance of voters to actually show up. Especially in states that aren’t swing states.

  • I think the biggest problem with the US system is the FPTP thing, the winner takes all.

    This always leads to two parties that become pure enemies because of the zero-sum game that ensues. A loss for one is a win for the other, there is no incentive to collaborate.

    Our coalition system is not perfect because it often causes very uncomfortable coalitions of parties not well suited. But at least it doesn’t feel like a stalemate.