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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Just because he has convinced himself that he is the only one that can beat Trump doesn’t make it true.

    An unpopular president typically does better than a popular candidate. That’s just how encumbancy works.

    In fact I would argue that him running again is somewhat selfish.

    Screw stats and precedent? Would you feel the same way if your favorite candidate ran and Trump crushed them by historic margins?

    Why have we let ourselves get into the position we are in.

    Because we’re a party of compromise, and the other side is a party fo extremism. Our compromise involved someone with a lot of bullet points in his favor for our older voters while still appealing to enough of our younger voters.

  • I mean…no. Her campaign was arguably the polar opposite of that to her detriment. She said she wanted to do something. Then she wrote up a detailed plan for it and published it, letting the other candidates find something in the details they didn’t like and tear it apart.

    She’s a policy wonk who is a law professor first and a politician second.

    I never saw anyone call her a secret Republican

    There were a lot of “grassroots” youtube videos that came out and took lines of hers out of context. They would softball questions like “Warren is just as good as Bernie because they vote the same a lot, right? WRONG! Warren is a capitalist pretending to be progressive to steal your vote”. And those grassroot video efforts started to trace back to Sanders campaign leadership. Nobody ever quite confirmed if Bernie directly knew his campaign was doing it, but the rule is usually that the campaign’s action sare the candidate’s responsibility.

  • You say “better options” but a clear majority of Democrats thought Biden was the better option. And all the other candidates that anyone took seriously are in the same age range as them. Nobody younger knocked on the door with a platform really worth backing. Buttigieg had no Federal chops whatsoever, Harris was a freaking prosecutor.

    Or if you’re just talking “better in general”, then you’re talking about the Progressives war. Bernie still hasn’t realized he’ll never win a Primary, and the way his campaign sabotaged and undercut Warren’s with necessary voting demographics was a killshot. Grassroot movements to call her a secret Republican. They should be ashamed of themselves.

  • I can’t believe I answered “board games” to this before. Yes, espresso wins it over. I just got an espresso machine for my 10th anniversary (price too high for me to be willing to admit). And here I have a wishlist of $500+ in “devices” for it.

    Like you, I’m about 3 weeks in and just now getting my burr grind just right for that perfect 26s shot. Luckily my vendor was giving out a free badass scale. It keeps telling me how bad my shot is.

    I still for the life of me can’t get the hang of latte art though.

    Ditto. I just got my first “correct emulsified foam” today. Usually I end up with hot milk with hot whipped milk on top.