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Joined 18 days ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2024

  • Then you’re letting sentiment drive you rather than reason.

    So you wouldn’t want the genocide to end if it came at the cost of someone killing themselves? Why?

    Is the entire Palestinian population who are suffering a genocide worth less than a western life to you?

    But I refuse to allow that someone’s opinion should be given more weight than mine just because they mutilate or kill themselves.

    His opinion holds more weight than yours because he is right and you are attacking a martyr rather than focusing on the cause he was martyrd for.

    Their mental disorder doesn’t confer moral superiority, it detracts from it.

    Your insistence that they must be mentally ill/disorderd doesn’t negate moral superiority, it only further reveals your apologist mindset.

  • That’s unfortunate

    It’s unfortunate that you would rather attack a man for the way he opposes a genocide than move on and oppose a genocide yourself.

    You can’t support him because it would support his truth that we are all culpable, and you can’t face that reality.

    And yes, it is America’s fault he has genocide on his conscience and felt compelled to go to such measures, he is a victim of America’s genocide. Was Hitler just suicidal in that bunker? Or do you recognize that external actions can influence such things in that case, and just choose to remain ignorant in this one?

    Would you like me to be pro-suicide.

    I would like you to be a sympathetic understanding human being opposed to genocide, who even if they don’t agree with this man’s actions themselves, recognizes the context they exist in and focuses towards the true goal of opposing a genocide, rather than attacking a righteous martyr.

    But that’s a tall ask for Americans in the core of the genocidal imperialist project, unfortunately.

  • And your time would be better spent electing better leaders instead of setting yourself on fire.

    So I take it this totally isn’t just your excuse/rationalization for attacking someone actually willing to take action against genocide and you will be following through on your idea?

    So which candidate will you elect who opposes the genocide?..

    Anyone who tacitly supports the genocide and doesn’t do everything in their power to bring an end to and oppose the genocide is culpable.

    There is no form of protest against ongoing genocide which can be deemed “too extreme” because any form of protest will pale in comparison to the genocide.

  • The people who need help are the ones who can sit by and criticize people for their opposition to a genocide.

    It’s not some silly game. Our lives are not more meaningful than Palestinians, this is awful, but it pales in comparison to what we are putting Palestine through.

    For some people, not taking any action they can to try and stop the genocide, no matter how hopeless, is worse than death. When the pain becomes unbearable…

    This man is a martyr and a hero, and he didn’t kill himself, the US and Israel killed him in the name of their genocide.

  • This doesn’t change or oppose anything I said.

    Project 2025 is a list of basically every conservative policy that they will present to the next president for them to choose from. It’s basically a standard right wing political transition plan and has only blown up because of the marketing. (Me)


    The critical job of institutions such as Heritage is to lay the groundwork. And Heritage does such an incredible job at that.

    And a bunch of rambling…

    The heritage foundation isn’t new and they didn’t just recently start proposing policies with project 2025. They were around in 2016 as well.

    Mandate for Leadership is a series of books published by The Heritage Foundation, an American conservative think-tank based in Washington, D.C. They offer specific conservative policy recommendations designed to be implemented by the federal government.

    The books have traditionally been released to coincide with an incoming U.S. presidential administration. The first edition was released in 1981, following the election of Ronald Reagan, to serve as policy guidance for the incoming Reagan administration. The latest edition, published in April 2023, is a major component of Project 2025.


  • Trump is not the project 2025 list.

    Project 2025 is a list of basically every conservative policy that they will present to the next president for them to choose from. It’s basically a standard right wing political transition plan and has only blown up because of the marketing. Trump has also made it clear he disagrees with certain parts.

    This leads me to believe he will do the parts he agrees with (cement Republicans power, target immigrants, militarize police etc), but not do the parts he disagrees with.

    A 2nd Trump term will probably be the same politics as the first, just a different more efficient/powerful execution (from build the wall and some are fine people [2016], to round them up and it will be bloody [2024] for example). But I don’t think he will shift his targets to be anyone who smokes weed, that would be a terrible move and probably bring ruin to the party as most Americans (including Republicans) are for the legalization of marijuana.