Her plastic surgeon billed himself as “the pro-Trump plastic surgeon”, which explains how she looks like she does. No lie, he later lost his NY medical license.
Her plastic surgeon billed himself as “the pro-Trump plastic surgeon”, which explains how she looks like she does. No lie, he later lost his NY medical license.
You wouldn’t know the whistleblower, they go to a different school. In Canada.
Apparently it was her “neighbor’s friend’s acquaintance”. Like, JFC, didn’t they outgrow that stuff in middle school?!
omg, speed, why has no one said ‘speed’ yet? An hour-long tv show was 350mb, and it took three days to download.
Has there been a more fitting place for the “uncouth medalist biting medal” meme?
I still blame James Comey.
Florida has historically been held up as a massively important state for any White House aspirant, and as a result has been on the receiving end of large candidate rallies, surrogate events and huge sums of national money fueling wall-to-wall campaign ads across the state’s 10 expensive media markets. But for the first time in recent political memory, the 2024 presidential race has left Florida as a comparative afterthought.
If you ever wondered why Florida and Texas have been turned into such conservative hellholes, this is exactly why. Both were starting to turn bluer, and the Republicans didn’t want to lose those precious electoral college votes.
You put red pepper flakes on your pizza sometimes, yeah? She just likes hers in liquid form.
They’ve been called Nazis so much, they have to downplay what the Nazis did (and what they’d like to do). They can’t believe they’re becoming monsters.
Because all of the aggrieved male content on yt, TikTok, podcasts, etc. There’s an entire normie-to-nazi pipeline ffs, and the social media algorithms continually promote stuff that’s just slightly more “edgy”, and suddenly kids have gone from Joe Rogan to Andrew Tate. Because all of the white males behind social media - spez, Zuckerberg, Musk, etc - agree with that content and continue to find excuses to “free speech” it.
I’d’ve called the front desk when they were screaming at each other in the room. The front desk handles this sort of thing more than you and would have a better feel as to whether (for example) these are regular customers, how the local cops react, whether this is a normal or irregular occurrence for the area, etc. If the front desk or the cops had then stopped by the room with a noise complaint, that may have interrupted the disagreement enough that it may not have escalated later on. If they didn’t stop by with a noise complaint, I very likely would have done the standard ‘banging on the wall to get them to shut up’ thing, which may have had the same effect (I have trouble sleeping and this nose would’ve made me very irritable). I don’t know if I’d’ve opened my hotel room door, but I’d’ve at least looked out the peephole to assess the situation - and I’d’ve double-checked the lock and chain on the door during the first argument.
The same way you form any group: you meet regularly. Set a time and place that seems like it would be good for a good percentage of the people, and turn up there, every meeting. Have some of the meetings be about a concept or theme; let everyone know what the concept is ahead of time, so they can think about it and maybe do research or bring examples. And have some of the meetings be open meetings, where anyone can talk about stuff relevant to the group’s purpose. If it becomes a more active group, you may need to limit talking time per person in the open meetings; and if a particular topic catches fire in an open meeting, you can revisit the topic in a themed meeting.
But groups are formed the same way friendships are formed: people turn up regularly to spend time together. Some meetings you may be the only person there, but be open and welcoming to those that do show up.
Sparks used social media to promote conspiracy theories about election fraud and advocate for a civil war. “It’s time to drag them out of Congress. It’s tyranny,” he posted on Facebook three days before the riot. [He and a friend] wore tactical vests.
Hard to argue innocence with all that.
Sparks added: “All it’s going to take is one person to go. The rest is following,"
He wasn’t wrong.
The Trump campaign is running its own more modest ad buy, including advertising in Trump’s home turf of West Palm Beach, raising eyebrows about how solidly red or MAGA Florida is.
That’s probably Trump. The Lincoln Project and some others specifically run ads in places he’s likely to be, hoping to get under his skin (and maybe reach some of the voters). He’s probably been bitterly complaining about it and the campaign is running local ads to appease him.
I really hope they blanket Fox, et al, the night before the debate, really get under his skin there.
Good. Eff that guy, and especially eff Cannon and so-called Supreme Court.
I’m sure there was a boost after the Republican convention was well, but they wouldn’t test themselves or report it.
I was happier when he got disbarred in New York, but I’ll take this too!
Honestly, if I’d been tied to that dipshit my entire life, I wouldn’t go out of my way to be spending more time or effort on him.
Remember when Trump stood in front of a microphone and literally asked Russia to hack the Clinton campaign, and a few days later Russia did exactly that? Pepperidge Farm remembers.