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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • So I disagree on the medical research example as that should be included in public research funding. Your example of the FSF is spot on as an area of expansion. For the examples like Project Linus, I assume smaller charities like that make up less than 10% of charity totals combined which would fall into the example of “lets focus on the main 90%”. If the share of charities that are not covered by Maslows L1 is smaller than like 80ish percent then the approach would need to be changed. I have no idea how to search for that data. I would think that the items listed would cover 90ish percent of I could be way off though and am curious is there is a way to find that out.

  • I mean that’s kinda the point of taxes. People should have housing, food, water, and healthcare. If we did taxes right, those elements would already be covered and drastically reduce the current lift of charities. Most charities now focus on those elements and if we taxed appropriately and spent with good intentions we could cover the 90th percentile of charity needs without going in depth on edge cases. There will end up being edge cases such that charities probably won’t ever be unnecessary but don’t let perfection be the enemy of progress. Watching go fund me campaigns for healthcare is so goddamn dystopian.

  • I think it was a 1998-ish Pontiac Grand Prix. I dated two different women that drove that car and so I had to ride around in them and sometimes drive them. Both were just a train wreck of problems. They shook violently sitting at a red light, the brakes always seemed to be failing, and everything that could break was falling off the cars. It’s weird that two women I dated owned the same car but more so that they both had the same problems.